also sprach Christian Kastner <> [2015-01-17 16:13 +0100]:
> So if everyone is OK with the above, I guess all that remains is for
> someone to sponsor the upload.

Which cannot go via unstable anymore unless you introduce an epoch.

Since the fix has been in unstable for 3 weeks (along with other
changes), and there were no new bugs, I think a package containing
just the one patch can surely go via t-p-u. And I would keep it at
-1.1 as this *is* a NMU… unless you join the packaging team, then
make it -2.

> +sudo (1.8.10p3-1+deb8u1) jessie; urgency=medium

I think the +deb8u1 postfix should be reserved for stable updates
and not used yet. But if the release team suggested that, then I'll
rest my case.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  proud Debian developer
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
"der glaube an den kausalnexus ist der aberglaube"
                                                       -- wittgenstein

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