Your message dated Tue, 23 Dec 2014 15:14:40 +0100
with message-id <>
and subject line Re: Bug#773712: unblock: jenkins-job-builder/0.9.0-0.1
has caused the Debian Bug report #773712,
regarding pre-approval: unblock: jenkins-job-builder/0.9.0-0.1
to be marked as done.

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If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
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--- Begin Message ---
Severity: normal
Usertags: unblock

The version of jenkins-job-builder as available in current jessie is
totally broken with regards to its feature to delete Jenkins jobs.
There's a fix available from upstream which I included in
version 0.9.0-0.2. I've also verified that the fix works as needed.

Please unblock package jenkins-job-builder:

  unblock jenkins-job-builder/0.9.0-0.2

Debdiff of the package versions as in jessie vs. what I just
uploaded to Debian/unstable (not yet accepted there

diff -Nru jenkins-job-builder-0.9.0/debian/changelog 
--- jenkins-job-builder-0.9.0/debian/changelog  2014-10-08 08:54:37.000000000 
+++ jenkins-job-builder-0.9.0/debian/changelog  2014-12-22 14:42:20.000000000 
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+jenkins-job-builder (0.9.0-0.2) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Fix deletion of jobs. (Closes: #773642)
+ -- Michael Prokop <>  Mon, 22 Dec 2014 13:42:13 +0100
 jenkins-job-builder (0.9.0-0.1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Non-maintainer upload.
diff -Nru 
    1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
    2014-12-22 13:41:19.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+From b7ff37ca5dfa1e44447387c636b8b0108404a0bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khai Do <>
+Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2014 15:08:18 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH] fix delete job command and add tests
+change I126751e3 introduced recursive file definition feature however it broke
+the ability to delete jobs.  This changes fixes it and adds a few tests for it.
+This was the error when trying to delete a job:
+(py27)~/jenkins-job-builder$ jenkins-jobs --conf jenkins_jobs.ini delete myjob
+INFO:root:Deleting jobs in [myjob]
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+  File "/jenkins-job-builder/.tox/py27/bin/jenkins-jobs", line 10, in <module>
+    sys.exit(main())
+  File "/jenkins-job-builder/jenkins_jobs/", line 122, in main
+    execute(options, config)
+  File "/jenkins-job-builder/jenkins_jobs/", line 207, in execute
+    builder.delete_job(job, options.path)
+  File "/jenkins-job-builder/jenkins_jobs/", line 611, in delete_job
+    self.load_files(fn)
+  File "/jenkins-job-builder/jenkins_jobs/", line 576, in load_files
+    if os.path.isdir(path):
+  File "/jenkins-job-builder/.tox/py27/lib/python2.7/", line 41,
+    in isdir st = os.stat(s)
+TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, NoneType found
+Closes-Bug: #1349634
+Change-Id: Ib87fa497d80ba33470c049f875658a3878afb664
+ jenkins_jobs/   |  2 +-
+ tests/cmd/ | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/jenkins_jobs/ b/jenkins_jobs/
+index 224ee49..3d9a62a 100755
+--- a/jenkins_jobs/
++++ b/jenkins_jobs/
+@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ def execute(options, config):
+                       ignore_cache=ignore_cache,
+                       flush_cache=options.flush_cache)
+-    if hasattr(options, 'path'):
++    if getattr(options, 'path', None):
+         if options.path == sys.stdin:
+             logger.debug("Input file is stdin")
+             if options.path.isatty():
+diff --git a/tests/cmd/ b/tests/cmd/
+index 792b5f3..61bdc6c 100644
+--- a/tests/cmd/
++++ b/tests/cmd/
+@@ -208,3 +208,25 @@ class CmdTests(testtools.TestCase):
+         cmd.execute(args, config)   # probably better to fail here
+         update_job_mock.assert_called_with(paths, [], output=args.output_dir)
++    @mock.patch('jenkins_jobs.cmd.Builder.delete_job')
++    def test_delete_single_job(self, delete_job_mock):
++        """
++        Test handling the deletion of a single Jenkins job.
++        """
++        args = self.parser.parse_args(['delete', 'test_job'])
++        config = configparser.ConfigParser()
++        config.readfp(StringIO(cmd.DEFAULT_CONF))
++        cmd.execute(args, config)  # passes if executed without error
++    @mock.patch('jenkins_jobs.cmd.Builder.delete_job')
++    def test_delete_multiple_jobs(self, delete_job_mock):
++        """
++        Test handling the deletion of multiple Jenkins jobs.
++        """
++        args = self.parser.parse_args(['delete', 'test_job1', 'test_job2'])
++        config = configparser.ConfigParser()
++        config.readfp(StringIO(cmd.DEFAULT_CONF))
++        cmd.execute(args, config)  # passes if executed without error
diff -Nru jenkins-job-builder-0.9.0/debian/patches/series 
--- jenkins-job-builder-0.9.0/debian/patches/series     2014-10-08 
00:47:18.000000000 +0200
+++ jenkins-job-builder-0.9.0/debian/patches/series     2014-12-22 
13:41:57.000000000 +0100
@@ -3,3 +3,5 @@
 # Submitted upstream
+# Retrieved from upstream's git repos

Thanks for consideration!


Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 11:09:12AM +0100, Michael Prokop wrote:
> Hmpf, again caused by misleading DEBSIGN_KEYID handling of
> ~/.devscripts vs. environment variable and never getting a reject
> mail about that. :-/ I just removed jenkins-job-builder* files from
> ftp-master and reuploaded it with the according key id signature,
> just got the acceptance mail now. Sorry about that.

It's there now.




--- End Message ---

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