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On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 04:25:53PM +0100, Raphaël Hertzog wrote:
> Version 0.3.2-2 fixes RC bug #562907 (missing dep on pybluez) that
> led to the removal of the package. Note that the fixed package
> was available before the removal but since the package is currently
> orphaned, nobody took care of asking an unblock request here.
I'm not enthusiastic about having an orphaned package in stable, if I'm
really honest. That's largely why it was removed.

> Unfortunately the upload contains a few more changes which are
> usually not allowed during freeze. Though they are relatively safe since
> that's the kind of changes that has been made on hundreds of other python
> modules...

Indeed, and they are invasive enough that we would normally refuse without
exceptional circumstances.

> I can prepare a more targeted fix for t-p-u if you really want but I
> believe that taking the package from unstable is better. FWIW I'm interested
> in bringing this package back because it's a dependency that we need
> for a package available in Kali Linux.

Can you not provide it in Kali? I like to be kind to derivatives where we
can, but an orphaned package in Debian for the convenience of a derivative
feels like the wrong way for this to work.

Jonathan Wiltshire                            
Debian Developer               

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