Andreas Henriksson <> writes:

> Apart from that, others have expressed that we're apparently not yet
> mentally ready for shipping systemd units in Debian.

I wouldn't put it quite this way.  Rather, I'd say that maintaining
feature parity between sysvinit and systemd wherever possible for jessie
is a good goal.

The concern with the service unit is that it's only a service unit with no
corresponding init script.  If the behavior is a good idea, we should do
it regardless of the init system, I would think (so another fix, if this
is functionality we need for jessie, is to introduce an init script that
would be naturally shadowed by the unit file if the system is running
systemd).  The concern with the timer file is similar; if this is
functionality we should enable, we should (per Policy) do so with an
/etc/cron.weekly script, which will work with any of the cron facilities
in Debian.

Of course, if in your view as a maintainer this functionality isn't ready
for jessie or you don't want to support it, just backing out of the change
also works.  (And to be clear I'm not on the release team, and it's their
opinion that matters.)

Russ Allbery (               <>

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