On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 11:41:57 +0200, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:

> On 08/12/2014 11:26 AM, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
> > On 02/08/14 20:41, Bas Couwenberg wrote:
> >> Updating GDAL from 1.10.1 to 1.11.0 involves a SONAME bump from
> >> libgdal.so.1.17.1 to libgdal.so.1.18.0.
> >>
> >> Because the binary package name doesn't change, I don't know how to
> >> format a Ben file to track this.
> > 
> > Err. What? Are you bumping the SONAME without renaming the package? Why? Why
> > isn't the package named after the SONAME as it should be? What am I missing?
> Sorry about creating such confusion by badly wording the issue.
> The SONAME doesn't change, it remains at libgdal.so.1, only the library
> version changes.
> The package is named libgdal1h to differentiate it from its predecessor
> libgdal1 after the reintroduction of internal symbols hiding for better
> compatibility against mixing external geotiff and gdal.
> Because the libgdal exposes both C and C++ symbols, its reverse
> dependencies need a rebuild to make sure they continue to work in case
> they don't only use the stable C API but also the unstable C++ API.
> Does it make sense to you now?
It doesn't to me...  You seem to be mixing up API and ABI, so I'm not
sure what you're saying.


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