On Sun, 13 Jul 2014 13:27:37 +0200, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:

> > perl 5.18.2-6 is now in jessie, so AFAICT it should be fine to drop the
> > old Provides on s390x at this point.
> Yes, but the seven packages that haven't been rebuilt will be a problem, 
> unless
> we can drop them from testing. So fixing those or checking if they can be
> dropped will be good.

Quick overview:

- libapache2-mod-perl2 FTBFS everywhere (#754308), the workaround is to
  build with gcc-4.8. Already prepared in git.
- libapache-authenhook-perl looks similar ...
  builds fine locally, so this is probably mod_perl failing which
  should be rebuilt _before_ (not sure why this is in stage 1 and
  mod_perl in stage 2 on the transition page)
- libsereal-* FTBFS on various architectures and are perfect removal
  candidates from testing (#742409 and #750770).
  hm, except that libsession-storage-secure-perl depends on them,
  which is depended upon by libdancer-session-cookie-perl. hm.
- libimager-perl: no idea but not new: #754125
  upstream is involved
- libimager-qrcode-perl: probably fallout from libimager-perl
- pcp: fails everywhere: https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=pcp
  and #752171, fix apparently trivial

I'm going to upload libapache2-mod-perl2 and the pcp NMU now.


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