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On 05/07/14 17:45, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> On 06/11/2014 11:37 PM, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
>>> Bugs open with patches (with help from upstream of MiniUPnPc):
>>> 0ad: #751224
>>> megaglest: #751225
>>> warzone2100: #751229
>>> I have checked the build with newer MiniUPnP client, and no issues as
>>> far as I can tell.
>> Great!
> 0ad has been uploaded with the fix. But megaglest & warzone2100 haven't.
>>>>> And then these seem to have unrelated FTBFS in Sid:
>>>>> - eiskaltdcpp: FTBFS (in eiskaltdcpp-qt/src/ChatEdit.cpp which doesn't
>>>>> have UPNP stuff)
>>>>> - litecoin: FTBFS (but package not in Testing anyway)
>>>> Try to reproduce in a clean sid environment and report bugs with severity 
>>>> serious.
>>> I have no time to do that right now, will try to do so later on.
>> OK. once we know if those fail to build, and if so, once they are fixed or at
>> least fixes are available (especially for eiskaltdcpp which is in testing) 
>> then
>> we should be able to proceed.
> litecoin will not move to Testing due to #733180, so I think we can
> ignore it.

Yes. Though I don't see a FTBFS bug for it, so hopefully it will build anyway
(so that we don't break it in unstable).

> I tried rebuilding with a clean env (a sid cowbuilder), and eiskaltdcpp
> rebuilt fine even with both sid & experimental version of libminiupnpc.
>> After miniupnpc hits unstable, the bugs become RC as the packages fail to 
>> build,
>> and IMHO direct uploads to DELAYED/2 would be fine.
> So, I think we're down to only megaglest & warzone2100 to be uploaded
> with the patch I provided, everything else seems ok.
> So, is the next course of action to upload miniupnpc to Sid now, then
> raise the severity of #751225 and #751229 to RC, then upload fixes to

Yes please.

> I'm guessing that later, I should request for binNMUs for all reverse
> dependencies, right?



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