On Sun, May 04, 2014 at 04:35:56PM +0200, Christian Hofstaedtler wrote:
> A quick status update of the current state of the transition. If
> ruby1.9.1 was removed today, the following things would break /
> removed too:
> coquelicot # FTBFS (ruby1.9.1)
> sup-mail # FTBFS (ruby1.9.1) + waiting for xapian-bindings
> ruby-libvirt # not-ruby-caused FTBFS
> # ruby-gnome2 FTBFS 744809 - autoremoval scheduled for 2014-05-29
> ruby-gnome2 ruby-atk ruby-cairo-gobject ruby-gdk-pixbuf2 ruby-gdk3 ruby-gio2 
> ruby-glib2 ruby-gobject-introspection ruby-gstreamer ruby-gtk2 ruby-gtk3 
> ruby-gtksourceview2 ruby-gtksourceview3 ruby-pango ruby-poppler ruby-rsvg2 
> ruby-vte ruby-vte3 kindleclip mhc mikutter rabbit ruby-globalhotkeys 
> screenruler rabbit
> # ruby-patron FTBFS 744034 - autoremoval scheduled for 2014-05-08
> ruby-patron ruby-faraday ruby-omniauth-twitter ruby-sham-rack rabbit 
> ruby-faraday-middleware ruby-oauth2 ruby-sawyer ruby-twitter ruby-carrierwave 
> ruby-typhoeus  ruby-octokit ruby-omniauth-oauth2 ruby-tinder 
> ruby-omniauth-facebook ruby-omniauth-facebook ruby-omniauth-google-oauth2
> # waiting to transition to testing
> cairo-dock-plug-ins evernote-mode swig2.0 xapian-bindings
> Some more details for select packages:
>  - a fixed version of xapian-bindings has been uploaded today, and
>    it built everywhere.
>  - work on a newer ruby-gnome2 is ongoing.
> The packages that are currently waiting to transition unfortuntely
> don't appear in the transition tracker as bad; for the next
> transition we need to be more careful with the ben filters.
> Apart from the packages waiting to transition my personal opinion
> would be to break/remove the listed packages from testing.

I'm personally OK with this.

Antonio Terceiro <terce...@debian.org>

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