Am Mittwoch, den 22.01.2014, 20:07 +0000 schrieb Adam D. Barratt:
> Unfortunately, this doesn't actually resolve two of the biggest issues
> with the proposed update
> - No in-archive testing that the package actually works with openjdk-7

Considering the current state of the netbeans package my initial thought
was that it is mostly unusable. So even introducing bugs would still
bring an improvement as long as the openjdk-6 "Can't create project"
issue is fixed.

According to popcon the netbeans package does however have 200 votes,
which means it is actively used. These users might be hurt by new bugs. 

> - The version of the package in stable cannot be greater than the
> versions in testing or unstable. This can be resolved by pushing the
> p-u
> package "up" during a point release, but would still leave an
> unbuildable package in unstable.

This will hopefully be resolved by the new upstream version soon.


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