On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 10:42 AM, Adam D. Barratt

> On 2013-09-10 9:09, Lior Kaplan wrote:
> Is there are a plan for an upload for squeeze?

Would be nice, but we didn't ask for it. Having it in wheezy took long
enough (guess the maintainers were busy). But will check where the wind
blows about another upload.

>  The reason for the upload is the Israes daylight saving rules have
>> changed (and already in effect since this Sunday). Wed like to provide
>> a fix for this situation with the new version (2013d).
The release announcement (
http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/tz-announce/2013-July/000012.html) has two

  Changes affecting future time stamps:

    Morocco's midsummer transitions this year are July 7 and August 10,
    not July 9 and August 8.  (Thanks to Andrew Paprocki.)

    Israel now falls back on the last Sunday of October.
    (Thanks to Ephraim Silverberg.)

No idea how important is the 1st one, seems a little minor (but I don't
live in Moroco (: )
The Israely change was to extend DST by 6 weeks... so yes it worth a

 Are there any other changes worthy of note in the update? See
> http://lists.debian.org/**debian-stable-announce/2012/**10/msg00000.html<http://lists.debian.org/debian-stable-announce/2012/10/msg00000.html>for
>  an example announcement mail we've used in the past (I'd be looking at
> pushing this via wheezy-updates as the Israeli changes are already in
> place).
> Regards,
> Adam

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