Control: tags -1 + confirmed

On Tue, 2013-07-16 at 00:34 +0200, Bernhard Schmidt wrote:
> Andre Beck discovered in Bug#715365 that the torrus version shipped with
> Wheezy (2.03) has some problems with SNMPv1-only targets. He identified
> two upstream commits (one before 2.04, one before 2.05) that apply
> cleanly on 2.03 and fix the problem for him. We have had 2.07 in
> jessie/sid including both commits for some weeks now.
> Andre tested both the patches locally for some time and tested a
> previous version of the new package (different only in the version
> number and the changelog entry). I also tested it locally and did not
> find any negative side effects.

Please go ahead; thanks.



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