Dropping the packages and bugs, they are not relevant to this discussion.

On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 05:49:26PM -0400, Michael Gilbert wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 4:38 PM, Jonathan Wiltshire <j...@debian.org> wrote:
> > I do not like this pattern of unannounced removal requests without
> > consulting maintainers. In these two cases I probably agree with the
> > intention, but not with the way you are going about it.
> >
> > I also really dislike your recent habit of making discussions hard to
> > follow by opening new bugs. Please keep things in one place so everyone can
> > follow along.
> I fail to follow this line of reasoning.  Does the bts not make
> everything more nice and tidy?  Instead of discussions about removals
> taking place in bug reports, and stagnating, the bts has a nice tidy
> section on those.

Mails to bugs in packages go to the maintainers. Mails to RM bugs go to the
release team, unless you take special steps (which you seem not to do). I
see no value in having a discussion about removal completely separate from
the discussion about the RC bug causing it.

> Anyway, RM bugs are just like any other bug: they're only suggestions.
>  That's why I often say "please consider".  The release team is of
> course going to investigate (i.e. talk to maintainers if needed)
> before jumping the gun and ticking people off.
> I've also found that RM bugs often light fires under people, resulting
> in problems solved faster.  So, that's all positive (except for the
> maintainers that don't react).

Well yes, if the maintainer ever sees the fire.

> Package removals are a healthy part of the release process.  Let's not
> slow that down.

Package removals should be done, where possible, in discussion with the
maintainers and with their sanction. Pulling packages from under people's
feet, especially where in some recent cases there has actually been
recent activity on the bug, is rude and causes friction.

> > NACK until the maintainers have chance to comment.
> Completely understandable.  I knew that would be part of the process.

I would much rather you talked directly to the maintainers and came to a
consensus first, than waste release team time doing that bit for you.

Jonathan Wiltshire                                      j...@debian.org
Debian Developer                         http://people.debian.org/~jmw

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