Le jeudi 7 mars 2013 11:10:33, Thomas Preud'homme a écrit :
> After explaining my problem on IRC, formorer showed me an SQL expression
> that creates plpgsql only if needed. You'll notice that plpgsql is created
> with CREATE LANGUAGE because since PostgreSQL 9, plpgsql is created by
> default. Hence, if it needs to be created the old CREATE LANGUAGE
> construct should be used.
> I tried installing dspam with this patch with both PostgreSQL 8.4 from
> Squeeze and PostgreSQL 9.1 from Wheezy with success. Purging works fine
> too.
> If this diff suits you, should I rather upload to tpu with a new changelog
> entry as in the attached debdiff or merge the entry in the previous one so
> that only one upload appears to have been done?

Forgive me for resending this, I thought maybe this issue had be forgotten. If 
this is merely a consequence of your work overload, then I send you my full 

Best regards,

diff -Nru dspam-3.10.1+dfsg/debian/changelog dspam-3.10.1+dfsg/debian/changelog
--- dspam-3.10.1+dfsg/debian/changelog	2013-03-04 17:39:52.000000000 +0100
+++ dspam-3.10.1+dfsg/debian/changelog	2013-03-07 11:03:34.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
+dspam (3.10.1+dfsg-11) testing-proposed-updates; urgency=low
+  * Create plpgsql only if it is not loaded yet.
+ -- Thomas Preud'homme <robo...@debian.org>  Thu, 07 Mar 2013 10:25:49 +0100
 dspam (3.10.1+dfsg-10) testing-proposed-updates; urgency=low
-  * Explicitely require legacy mode for string escaping in PostgreSQL since it
+  * Explicitly require legacy mode for string escaping in PostgreSQL since it
     now defaults to standard compliant mode (Closes: #694942).
   * Fix error when creating database in PostgreSQL by creating plpgsql as
     extension instead of language.
diff -Nru dspam-3.10.1+dfsg/debian/sqlfiles/install-dbadmin/pgsql dspam-3.10.1+dfsg/debian/sqlfiles/install-dbadmin/pgsql
--- dspam-3.10.1+dfsg/debian/sqlfiles/install-dbadmin/pgsql	2013-03-04 17:39:52.000000000 +0100
+++ dspam-3.10.1+dfsg/debian/sqlfiles/install-dbadmin/pgsql	2013-03-07 11:03:34.000000000 +0100
@@ -1 +1,19 @@
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.create_plpgsql_language ()
+        AS $$
+            CREATE LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+            SELECT 'language plpgsql created'::TEXT;
+        $$
+LANGUAGE 'sql';
+              (SELECT true::BOOLEAN
+                 FROM pg_language
+                WHERE lanname='plpgsql')
+            THEN
+              (SELECT 'language already installed'::TEXT)
+            ELSE
+              (SELECT public.create_plpgsql_language())
+            END;
+DROP FUNCTION public.create_plpgsql_language ();

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