Your message dated Sat, 23 Feb 2013 11:56:55 +0000 with message-id <> and subject line Closing p-u bugs included in point release has caused the Debian Bug report #699696, regarding pu: package libpam-shield/0.9.2-3.2 to be marked as done.
This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with. If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith. (NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what this message is talking about, this may indicate a serious mail system misconfiguration somewhere. Please contact immediately.) -- 699696: Debian Bug Tracking System Contact with problems
--- Begin Message ---Package: X-Debbugs-CC: User: Usertags: pu Severity: normal Release team-- I would like to request an update to the libpam-shield package in squeeze. Attached is a debdiff fixing bug 658830. This bug prevents the package from working at all in its default configuration. Since this package is intended to provide a security function, Jonathan Wiltshire has suggested an update in stable [0] and has offered to sponsor the upload if the change is accepted. Candidate CVE is CVE-2012-2350 [1]. The diff is a minimal change for this bug only. It is identical to 0.9.2-3.3 in testing, with the exception of targeting stable. Thanks. [0] [1]
Description: Binary data
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--- Begin Message ---Version: 6.0.7 Hi, The package discussed in each of these bugs was added to stable as part of today's point release. Regards, Adam
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