
Prathibha B <prathib...@cdac.in> (13/12/2012):
> Package: choose-mirror
> Version: 2.37
> When compiling the package, it throws the following error:
> Modification of non-creatable array value attempted, subscript -1 at
> ./mirrorlist line 52, <IN> line 8.
> How to resolve this?

thanks for your report.

choose-mirror in squeeze no longer builds because of the cvs.d.o URL
change (cvs.d.o → anonscm.d.o); this is trivially fixed by updating
Makefile with the new URL:

You can work around that bug by pretending you're offline, setting
ONLINE=n in the environment. But that won't get you an updated list.

SRM, ACK on principle for the following trivial update in squeeze?
| $ diff -u Makefile ~/debian-installer/packages/choose-mirror/Makefile
| --- Makefile       2010-02-11 21:01:30.000000000 +0100
| +++ /home/cbrulebois/debian-installer/packages/choose-mirror/Makefile   
2012-03-12 10:17:11.675539977 +0100
| @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
|  LIBS=-ldebconfclient -ldebian-installer
|  # Derivative distributions may want to change these.
|  MASTERLIST=Mirrors.masterlist
|  ifdef DEBUG

In which case I'll prepare a proper debdiff.


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