Severity: normal
Usertags: unblock

Please unblock package spyder


I would like you to consider an unblock for spyder. It fix a nasty bug #678339
this cause some troubles when saving a file. for a python editor which become
quite popular, it seems to me that this should be fixed before wheeze release.

this bug was reported upstream

and fix on top of the current 2.1.10-1 version with this commit

this is the same patch which was apply between 2.1.10-1 and 2.1.10-2

since the last upload I had no bug report against spyder.

unblock spyder/2.1.10-2

thanks for your time


-- System Information:
Debian Release: wheezy/sid
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable'), (500, 'testing'), (500, 'stable'), (1,
Architecture: i386 (i686)

Kernel: Linux 3.2.0-4-486
diff -Nru spyder-2.1.10/debian/changelog spyder-2.1.10/debian/changelog
--- spyder-2.1.10/debian/changelog	2012-05-28 08:24:47.000000000 +0200
+++ spyder-2.1.10/debian/changelog	2012-07-31 22:44:05.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+spyder (2.1.10-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * debian/pacthes
+    - 0003-from-upstream-fix-1098.patch (new) (Closes: #678339)
+ -- Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel <>  Tue, 31 Jul 2012 22:42:04 +0200
 spyder (2.1.10-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Imported Upstream version 2.1.10
diff -Nru spyder-2.1.10/debian/patches/0001-fix-documentation-installation.patch spyder-2.1.10/debian/patches/0001-fix-documentation-installation.patch
--- spyder-2.1.10/debian/patches/0001-fix-documentation-installation.patch	2012-04-01 10:10:27.000000000 +0200
+++ spyder-2.1.10/debian/patches/0001-fix-documentation-installation.patch	2012-07-31 22:40:47.000000000 +0200
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
          except UnicodeDecodeError:
 diff --git a/spyderlib/ b/spyderlib/
-index c8eb4e2..cad8046 100644
+index 8ef9182..eadd49a 100644
 --- a/spyderlib/
 +++ b/spyderlib/
 @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ __forum_url__   = ''
diff -Nru spyder-2.1.10/debian/patches/0003-from-upstream-fix-1098.patch spyder-2.1.10/debian/patches/0003-from-upstream-fix-1098.patch
--- spyder-2.1.10/debian/patches/0003-from-upstream-fix-1098.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ spyder-2.1.10/debian/patches/0003-from-upstream-fix-1098.patch	2012-07-31 22:40:47.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Picca=20Fr=C3=A9d=C3=A9ric-Emmanuel?= <>
+Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2012 22:40:10 +0200
+Subject: from upstream fix 1098
+ spyderlib/plugins/ |   14 +++++++-------
+ spyderlib/widgets/ |   22 +++++++++++++++++-----
+ spyderlib/widgets/   |   22 +++++++++++++++++-----
+ 3 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/spyderlib/plugins/ b/spyderlib/plugins/
+index 58ee269..4054d32 100644
+--- a/spyderlib/plugins/
++++ b/spyderlib/plugins/
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
++# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ #
+ # Copyright © 2009-2010 Pierre Raybaut
+ # Licensed under the terms of the MIT License
+@@ -997,9 +997,9 @@ class Editor(SpyderPluginWidget):
+         self.connect(editorstack, SIGNAL('editor_focus_changed()'),
+                      self.main.plugin_focus_changed)
+-        self.connect(editorstack, SIGNAL('close_file(long,long)'),
++        self.connect(editorstack, SIGNAL('close_file(QString,int)'),
+                      self.close_file_in_all_editorstacks)
+-        self.connect(editorstack, SIGNAL('file_saved(long,long)'),
++        self.connect(editorstack, SIGNAL('file_saved(QString, int)'),
+                      self.file_saved_in_editorstack)
+         self.connect(editorstack, SIGNAL("create_new_window()"),
+@@ -1052,18 +1052,18 @@ class Editor(SpyderPluginWidget):
+             self.register_widget_shortcuts("Editor", finfo.editor)
+     @Slot(int, int)
+-    def close_file_in_all_editorstacks(self, editorstack_id, index):
++    def close_file_in_all_editorstacks(self, editorstack_id_str, index):
+         for editorstack in self.editorstacks:
+-            if id(editorstack) != editorstack_id:
++            if str(id(editorstack)) != editorstack_id_str:
+                 editorstack.blockSignals(True)
+                 editorstack.close_file(index, force=True)
+                 editorstack.blockSignals(False)
+     @Slot(int, int)
+-    def file_saved_in_editorstack(self, editorstack_id, index):
++    def file_saved_in_editorstack(self, editorstack_id_str, index):
+         """A file was saved in editorstack, this notifies others"""
+         for editorstack in self.editorstacks:
+-            if id(editorstack) != editorstack_id:
++            if str(id(editorstack)) != editorstack_id_str:
+                 editorstack.file_saved_in_other_editorstack(index)
+diff --git a/spyderlib/widgets/ b/spyderlib/widgets/
+index 72adbcb..e947b79 100644
+--- a/spyderlib/widgets/
++++ b/spyderlib/widgets/
+@@ -1193,7 +1193,13 @@ class EditorStack(QWidget):
+                 self.outlineexplorer.remove_editor(finfo.editor)
+             self.remove_from_data(index)
+-            self.emit(SIGNAL('close_file(long,long)'), id(self), index)
++            # We pass self object ID as a QString, because otherwise it would 
++            # depend on the platform: long for 64bit, int for 32bit. Replacing 
++            # by long all the time is not working on some 32bit platforms 
++            # (see Issue 1094, Issue 1098)
++            self.emit(SIGNAL('close_file(QString,int)'), str(id(self)), index)
+             if not and self.is_closable:
+                 # editortabwidget is empty: removing it
+                 # (if it's not the first editortabwidget)
+@@ -1284,7 +1290,13 @@ class EditorStack(QWidget):
+             finfo.newly_created = False
+             self.emit(SIGNAL('encoding_changed(QString)'), finfo.encoding)
+             finfo.lastmodified = QFileInfo(finfo.filename).lastModified()
+-            self.emit(SIGNAL('file_saved(long,long)'), id(self), index)
++            # We pass self object ID as a QString, because otherwise it would 
++            # depend on the platform: long for 64bit, int for 32bit. Replacing 
++            # by long all the time is not working on some 32bit platforms 
++            # (see Issue 1094, Issue 1098)
++            self.emit(SIGNAL('file_saved(QString,int)'), str(id(self)), index)
+             finfo.editor.document().setModified(False)
+             self.modification_changed(index=index)
+             self.analyze_script(index)
+@@ -2326,7 +2338,7 @@ class EditorPluginExample(QSplitter):
+         font = QFont("Courier New")
+         font.setPointSize(10)
+         editorstack.set_default_font(font, color_scheme='Spyder')
+-        self.connect(editorstack, SIGNAL('close_file(long,long)'),
++        self.connect(editorstack, SIGNAL('close_file(QString,int)'),
+                      self.close_file_in_all_editorstacks)
+         self.connect(editorstack, SIGNAL("create_new_window()"),
+                      self.create_new_window)
+@@ -2369,9 +2381,9 @@ class EditorPluginExample(QSplitter):
+     def get_focus_widget(self):
+         pass
+-    def close_file_in_all_editorstacks(self, editorstack_id, index):
++    def close_file_in_all_editorstacks(self, editorstack_id_str, index):
+         for editorstack in self.editorstacks:
+-            if id(editorstack) != editorstack_id:
++            if str(id(editorstack)) != editorstack_id_str:
+                 editorstack.blockSignals(True)
+                 editorstack.close_file(index, force=True)
+                 editorstack.blockSignals(False)
+diff --git a/spyderlib/widgets/ b/spyderlib/widgets/
+index aff1556..24a8f34 100644
+--- a/spyderlib/widgets/
++++ b/spyderlib/widgets/
+@@ -76,9 +76,15 @@ class TabBar(QTabBar):
+         if index_to == -1:
+             index_to = self.count()
+         if"tabbar-id").toLong()[0] != id(self):
+-            tabwidget_from ="tabwidget-id").toLong()[0]
+-            self.emit(SIGNAL("move_tab(long,int,int)"), 
++            tabwidget_from = str("tabwidget-id").toLong()[0])
++            # We pass self object ID as a QString, because otherwise it would 
++            # depend on the platform: long for 64bit, int for 32bit. Replacing 
++            # by long all the time is not working on some 32bit platforms 
++            # (see Issue 1094, Issue 1098)
++            self.emit(SIGNAL("move_tab(QString,int,int)"), 
+                       tabwidget_from, index_from, index_to)
+             event.acceptProposedAction()
+         elif index_from != index_to:
+             self.emit(SIGNAL("move_tab(int,int)"), index_from, index_to)
+@@ -246,7 +252,7 @@ class Tabs(BaseTabs):
+                           corner_widgets, menu_use_tooltips)
+         tab_bar = TabBar(self, parent)
+         self.connect(tab_bar, SIGNAL('move_tab(int,int)'), self.move_tab)
+-        self.connect(tab_bar, SIGNAL('move_tab(long,int,int)'),
++        self.connect(tab_bar, SIGNAL('move_tab(QString,int,int)'),
+                      self.move_tab_from_another_tabwidget)
+         self.setTabBar(tab_bar)
+         self.index_history = []
+@@ -303,5 +309,11 @@ class Tabs(BaseTabs):
+     def move_tab_from_another_tabwidget(self, tabwidget_from,
+                                         index_from, index_to):
+         """Move tab from a tabwidget to another"""
+-        self.emit(SIGNAL('move_tab(long,long,int,int)'),
+-                  tabwidget_from, id(self), index_from, index_to)
++        # We pass self object IDs as QString objs, because otherwise it would 
++        # depend on the platform: long for 64bit, int for 32bit. Replacing 
++        # by long all the time is not working on some 32bit platforms 
++        # (see Issue 1094, Issue 1098)
++        self.emit(SIGNAL('move_tab(QString,QString,int,int)'),
++                  tabwidget_from, str(id(self)), index_from, index_to)
diff -Nru spyder-2.1.10/debian/patches/series spyder-2.1.10/debian/patches/series
--- spyder-2.1.10/debian/patches/series	2012-04-01 10:10:27.000000000 +0200
+++ spyder-2.1.10/debian/patches/series	2012-07-31 22:40:47.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@

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