Your message dated Fri, 07 Sep 2012 16:00:31 +0100
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and subject line Re: Bug#686814: unblock: swift/1.4.8-2
has caused the Debian Bug report #686814,
regarding unblock: swift/1.4.8-2
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--- Begin Message ---
Severity: normal
Usertags: unblock

Please unblock package swift. This new version fixes CVE-2012-4406 / #686812.
Debdiff attached: it only adds upstream patch as see here:

Pleaes unblock swift/1.4.8-2,

Thomas Goirand (zigo)
diff -Nru swift-1.4.8/debian/changelog swift-1.4.8/debian/changelog
--- swift-1.4.8/debian/changelog	2012-03-23 07:11:47.000000000 +0000
+++ swift-1.4.8/debian/changelog	2012-09-06 08:45:21.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+swift (1.4.8-2) unstable; urgency=high
+  * CVE-2012-4406: Do not use pickle for serialization in memcache, but JSON
+  (Closes: #686812).
+ -- Thomas Goirand <>  Thu, 06 Sep 2012 08:40:18 +0000
 swift (1.4.8-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
diff -Nru swift-1.4.8/debian/patches/CVE-2012-4406_Do-not-use-pickle-for-serialization-in-memcache-but-JSON.patch swift-1.4.8/debian/patches/CVE-2012-4406_Do-not-use-pickle-for-serialization-in-memcache-but-JSON.patch
--- swift-1.4.8/debian/patches/CVE-2012-4406_Do-not-use-pickle-for-serialization-in-memcache-but-JSON.patch	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ swift-1.4.8/debian/patches/CVE-2012-4406_Do-not-use-pickle-for-serialization-in-memcache-but-JSON.patch	2012-09-06 08:45:21.000000000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+Description: Do not use pickle for serialization in memcache, but JSON
+ We don't want to use pickle as it can execute arbitrary code. JSON is
+ safer. However, note that it supports serialization for only some
+ specific subset of object types; this should be enough for what we need,
+ though.
+ .
+ To avoid issues on upgrades (unability to read pickled values, and cache
+ poisoning for old servers not understanding JSON), we add a
+ memcache_serialization_support configuration option, with the following
+ values:
+ .
+  0 = older, insecure pickle serialization
+  1 = json serialization but pickles can still be read (still insecure)
+  2 = json serialization only (secure and the default)
+ .
+ To avoid an instant full cache flush, existing installations should
+ upgrade with 0, then set to 1 and reload, then after some time (24
+ hours) set to 2 and reload. Support for 0 and 1 will be removed in
+ future versions.
+Origin: upstream
+--- swift-1.4.8.orig/etc/memcache.conf-sample
++++ swift-1.4.8/etc/memcache.conf-sample
+@@ -3,3 +3,13 @@
+ # several other conf files under [filter:cache] for example. You can specify
+ # multiple servers separated with commas, as in:,
+ # memcache_servers =
++# Sets how memcache values are serialized and deserialized:
++# 0 = older, insecure pickle serialization
++# 1 = json serialization but pickles can still be read (still insecure)
++# 2 = json serialization only (secure and the default)
++# To avoid an instant full cache flush, existing installations should
++# upgrade with 0, then set to 1 and reload, then after some time (24 hours)
++# set to 2 and reload.
++# In the future, the ability to use pickle serialization will be removed.
++# memcache_serialization_support = 2
+--- swift-1.4.8.orig/etc/proxy-server.conf-sample
++++ swift-1.4.8/etc/proxy-server.conf-sample
+@@ -122,6 +122,18 @@ use = egg:swift#memcache
+ # default to the value below. You can specify multiple servers separated with
+ # commas, as in:,
+ # memcache_servers =
++# Sets how memcache values are serialized and deserialized:
++# 0 = older, insecure pickle serialization
++# 1 = json serialization but pickles can still be read (still insecure)
++# 2 = json serialization only (secure and the default)
++# If not set here, the value for memcache_serialization_support will be read
++# from /etc/swift/memcache.conf (see memcache.conf-sample).
++# To avoid an instant full cache flush, existing installations should
++# upgrade with 0, then set to 1 and reload, then after some time (24 hours)
++# set to 2 and reload.
++# In the future, the ability to use pickle serialization will be removed.
++# memcache_serialization_support = 2
+ [filter:ratelimit]
+ use = egg:swift#ratelimit
+--- swift-1.4.8.orig/doc/manpages/proxy-server.conf.5
++++ swift-1.4.8/doc/manpages/proxy-server.conf.5
+@@ -205,6 +205,21 @@ Enables the ability to log request heade
+ .IP \fBmemcache_servers\fR
+ The memcache servers that are available. This can be a list separated by commas. The default 
+ is
++.IP \fBmemcache_serialization_support\fR
++This sets how memcache values are serialized and deserialized:
++.PD 0
++.RS 10
++.IP "0 = older, insecure pickle serialization"
++.IP "1 = json serialization but pickles can still be read (still insecure)"
++.IP "2 = json serialization only (secure and the default)"
++.RS 10
++To avoid an instant full cache flush, existing installations should upgrade with 0, then set to 1 and reload, then after some time (24 hours) set to 2 and reload. In the future, the ability to use pickle serialization will be removed.
++If not set in the configuration file, the value for memcache_serialization_support will be read from /etc/swift/memcache.conf if it exists (see memcache.conf-sample). Otherwise, the default value as indicated above will be used.
+ .RE
+--- swift-1.4.8.orig/swift/common/
++++ swift-1.4.8/swift/common/
+@@ -27,11 +27,17 @@ import time
+ from bisect import bisect
+ from hashlib import md5
++    import simplejson as json
++except ImportError:
++    import json
+ IO_TIMEOUT = 2.0
+@@ -57,7 +63,8 @@ class MemcacheRing(object):
+     """
+     def __init__(self, servers, connect_timeout=CONN_TIMEOUT,
+-                 io_timeout=IO_TIMEOUT, tries=TRY_COUNT):
++                 io_timeout=IO_TIMEOUT, tries=TRY_COUNT,
++                 allow_pickle=False, allow_unpickle=False):
+         self._ring = {}
+         self._errors = dict(((serv, []) for serv in servers))
+         self._error_limited = dict(((serv, 0) for serv in servers))
+@@ -69,6 +76,8 @@ class MemcacheRing(object):
+         self._client_cache = dict(((server, []) for server in servers))
+         self._connect_timeout = connect_timeout
+         self._io_timeout = io_timeout
++        self._allow_pickle = allow_pickle
++        self._allow_unpickle = allow_unpickle or allow_pickle
+     def _exception_occurred(self, server, e, action='talking'):
+         if isinstance(e, socket.timeout):
+@@ -130,16 +139,21 @@ class MemcacheRing(object):
+         :param key: key
+         :param value: value
+-        :param serialize: if True, value is pickled before sending to memcache
++        :param serialize: if True, value is serialized with JSON before sending
++                          to memcache, or with pickle if configured to use
++                          pickle instead of JSON (to avoid cache poisoning)
+         :param timeout: ttl in memcache
+         """
+         key = md5hash(key)
+         if timeout > 0:
+             timeout += time.time()
+         flags = 0
+-        if serialize:
++        if serialize and self._allow_pickle:
+             value = pickle.dumps(value, PICKLE_PROTOCOL)
+             flags |= PICKLE_FLAG
++        elif serialize:
++            value = json.dumps(value)
++            flags |= JSON_FLAG
+         for (server, fp, sock) in self._get_conns(key):
+             try:
+                 sock.sendall('set %s %d %d %s noreply\r\n%s\r\n' % \
+@@ -151,8 +165,9 @@ class MemcacheRing(object):
+     def get(self, key):
+         """
+-        Gets the object specified by key.  It will also unpickle the object
+-        before returning if it is pickled in memcache.
++        Gets the object specified by key.  It will also unserialize the object
++        before returning if it is serialized in memcache with JSON, or if it
++        is pickled and unpickling is allowed.
+         :param key: key
+         :returns: value of the key in memcache
+@@ -168,7 +183,12 @@ class MemcacheRing(object):
+                         size = int(line[3])
+                         value =
+                         if int(line[2]) & PICKLE_FLAG:
+-                            value = pickle.loads(value)
++                            if self._allow_unpickle:
++                                value = pickle.loads(value)
++                            else:
++                                value = None
++                        elif int(line[2]) & JSON_FLAG:
++                            value = json.loads(value)
+                         fp.readline()
+                     line = fp.readline().strip().split()
+                 self._return_conn(server, fp, sock)
+@@ -258,7 +278,9 @@ class MemcacheRing(object):
+         :param mapping: dictonary of keys and values to be set in memcache
+         :param servery_key: key to use in determining which server in the ring
+                             is used
+-        :param serialize: if True, value is pickled before sending to memcache
++        :param serialize: if True, value is serialized with JSON before sending
++                          to memcache, or with pickle if configured to use
++                          pickle instead of JSON (to avoid cache poisoning)
+         :param timeout: ttl for memcache
+         """
+         server_key = md5hash(server_key)
+@@ -268,9 +290,12 @@ class MemcacheRing(object):
+         for key, value in mapping.iteritems():
+             key = md5hash(key)
+             flags = 0
+-            if serialize:
++            if serialize and self._allow_pickle:
+                 value = pickle.dumps(value, PICKLE_PROTOCOL)
+                 flags |= PICKLE_FLAG
++            elif serialize:
++                value = json.dumps(value)
++                flags |= JSON_FLAG
+             msg += ('set %s %d %d %s noreply\r\n%s\r\n' %
+                     (key, flags, timeout, len(value), value))
+         for (server, fp, sock) in self._get_conns(server_key):
+@@ -302,7 +327,12 @@ class MemcacheRing(object):
+                         size = int(line[3])
+                         value =
+                         if int(line[2]) & PICKLE_FLAG:
+-                            value = pickle.loads(value)
++                            if self._allow_unpickle:
++                                value = pickle.loads(value)
++                            else:
++                                value = None
++                        elif int(line[2]) & JSON_FLAG:
++                            value = json.loads(value)
+                         responses[line[1]] = value
+                         fp.readline()
+                     line = fp.readline().strip().split()
+--- swift-1.4.8.orig/swift/common/middleware/
++++ swift-1.4.8/swift/common/middleware/
+@@ -27,20 +27,36 @@ class MemcacheMiddleware(object):
+     def __init__(self, app, conf):
+ = app
+         self.memcache_servers = conf.get('memcache_servers')
+-        if not self.memcache_servers:
++        serialization_format = conf.get('memcache_serialization_support')
++        if not self.memcache_servers or serialization_format is None:
+             path = os.path.join(conf.get('swift_dir', '/etc/swift'),
+                                 'memcache.conf')
+             memcache_conf = ConfigParser()
+             if
+-                try:
+-                    self.memcache_servers = \
+-                        memcache_conf.get('memcache', 'memcache_servers')
+-                except (NoSectionError, NoOptionError):
+-                    pass
++                if not self.memcache_servers:
++                    try:
++                        self.memcache_servers = \
++                            memcache_conf.get('memcache', 'memcache_servers')
++                    except (NoSectionError, NoOptionError):
++                        pass
++                if serialization_format is None:
++                    try:
++                        serialization_format = \
++                            memcache_conf.get('memcache',
++                                              'memcache_serialization_support')
++                    except (NoSectionError, NoOptionError):
++                        pass
+         if not self.memcache_servers:
+             self.memcache_servers = ''
++        if serialization_format is None:
++            serialization_format = 2
+         self.memcache = MemcacheRing(
+-            [s.strip() for s in self.memcache_servers.split(',') if s.strip()])
++            [s.strip() for s in self.memcache_servers.split(',') if s.strip()],
++            allow_pickle=(serialization_format == 0),
++            allow_unpickle=(serialization_format <= 1))
+     def __call__(self, env, start_response):
+         env['swift.cache'] = self.memcache
+--- swift-1.4.8.orig/test/unit/common/
++++ swift-1.4.8/test/unit/common/
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++ # -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+ # Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OpenStack, LLC.
+ #
+ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+@@ -166,6 +167,9 @@ class TestMemcached(unittest.TestCase):
+         self.assertEquals(memcache_client.get('some_key'), [1, 2, 3])
+         memcache_client.set('some_key', [4, 5, 6])
+         self.assertEquals(memcache_client.get('some_key'), [4, 5, 6])
++        memcache_client.set('some_key', ['simple str', 'utf8 str éà'])
++        # As per, we should expect to have unicode
++        self.assertEquals(memcache_client.get('some_key'), ['simple str', u'utf8 str éà'])
+         self.assert_(float(mock.cache.values()[0][1]) == 0)
+         esttimeout = time.time() + 10
+         memcache_client.set('some_key', [1, 2, 3], timeout=10)
+@@ -244,6 +248,24 @@ class TestMemcached(unittest.TestCase):
+         self.assertEquals(memcache_client.get_multi(('some_key2', 'some_key1',
+             'not_exists'), 'multi_key'), [[4, 5, 6], [1, 2, 3], None])
++    def test_serialization(self):
++        memcache_client = memcached.MemcacheRing([''],
++                                                 allow_pickle=True)
++        mock = MockMemcached()
++        memcache_client._client_cache[''] = [(mock, mock)] * 2
++        memcache_client.set('some_key', [1, 2, 3])
++        self.assertEquals(memcache_client.get('some_key'), [1, 2, 3])
++        memcache_client._allow_pickle = False
++        memcache_client._allow_unpickle = True
++        self.assertEquals(memcache_client.get('some_key'), [1, 2, 3])
++        memcache_client._allow_unpickle = False
++        self.assertEquals(memcache_client.get('some_key'), None)
++        memcache_client.set('some_key', [1, 2, 3])
++        self.assertEquals(memcache_client.get('some_key'), [1, 2, 3])
++        memcache_client._allow_unpickle = True
++        self.assertEquals(memcache_client.get('some_key'), [1, 2, 3])
++        memcache_client._allow_pickle = True
++        self.assertEquals(memcache_client.get('some_key'), [1, 2, 3])
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+     unittest.main()
+--- swift-1.4.8.orig/test/unit/common/middleware/
++++ swift-1.4.8/test/unit/common/middleware/
+@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ class SetConfigParser(object):
+         if section == 'memcache':
+             if option == 'memcache_servers':
+                 return ''
++            elif option == 'memcache_serialization_support':
++                return '2'
+             else:
+                 raise NoOptionError(option)
+         else:
+@@ -86,7 +88,8 @@ class TestCacheMiddleware(unittest.TestC
+         exc = None
+         try:
+             app = memcache.MemcacheMiddleware(
+-                    FakeApp(), {'memcache_servers': ''})
++                    FakeApp(), {'memcache_servers': '',
++                                'memcache_serialization_support': '2'})
+         except Exception, err:
+             exc = err
+         finally:
diff -Nru swift-1.4.8/debian/patches/series swift-1.4.8/debian/patches/series
--- swift-1.4.8/debian/patches/series	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ swift-1.4.8/debian/patches/series	2012-09-06 08:45:21.000000000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
On Fri, 2012-09-07 at 14:14 +0200, Julien Danjou wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 06 2012, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> > Reading the patch, I'm assuming that this means that every user
> > upgrading the package will have their cache immediately invalidated, as
> > Not being that familiar with the package, I'm not sure whether this is a
> > practical issue in this case...
> It's not an issue in term of proper functioning, only in term of
> performance after restart since this will be a cold start.

Thanks for the confirmation; unblocked.



--- End Message ---

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