Hi Adam,

On So 05 Feb 2012 16:42:31 CET "Adam D. Barratt" wrote:

On Wed, 2012-02-01 at 01:47 +0100, Mike Gabriel wrote:
1.) #650258 [i|+|?] [gosa] dhcpHost not removed if system is removed
     -> already fixed in sid

2.) #657086 [i| | ] [gosa] gosa: Should use characters in idGenerator rule,
                        not bytes
     -> only occurs in the squeeze version

More accurately, it was already resolved upstream before anyone reported
it to the BTS.

+gosa (2.6.11-4) stable; urgency=low

2.6.11-3+squeeze1 would be a more conventional version number, although
-4 would be okay as long as there has never been a package with that
version in the Debian archive.

Please go ahead; thanks.

Great! Thanks! I will notify the maintainer that he can proceed with updating the package in squeeze.



mike gabriel, dorfstr. 27, 24245 barmissen
fon: +49 (4302) 281418, fax: +49 (4302) 281419

GnuPG Key ID 0xB588399B
mail: mike.gabr...@das-netzwerkteam.de, http://das-netzwerkteam.de


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