Op zondag 06 november 2011 13:57:06 schreef Raphael Hertzog:
> For the release team: while multiarch is not yet fully merged, there has
> been some visible progress over the last 2 weeks. About one third of the
> commits have been merged on master already (pushes happened on 24/10,
> 27/10, 30/10, 06/11), and Guillem updated his pu/multiarch/master branch
> on git.hadrons.org showing some further work in progress:
> http://git.hadrons.org/?p=debian/dpkg.git;a=log;h=refs/heads/pu/multiarch/m
> aster

I see the huge added value in code review by an experienced developer. But why 
does that preclude uploading to unstable now? Uploading to sid does not 
exclude uploading an improved version later. As I understand it, the current 
state is good: a significant part of the code has been reviewed by Guillem, 
you believe it is of release quality and at least one derivative is already 
using it.

Uploading to sid means that the processes of further polising up the rest of 
the changes and actual field testing can start to run in parallel, instead of 
the second being stalled by the first.


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