Guillem, we, the Release Team of the next stable release — wheezy —, are concerned about the state of dpkg with relation to multiarch. Now, the news was already broken at DebConf that wheezy will indeed be released as multiarch-ready[0]. This might have been a bit premature, I guess.
If we want to carry on with multiarch in wheezy it really should enter the archive now. The freeze deadline is approaching fast and we must be able to shake out all the bugs in the time that's left. Deprecating ia32-libs in a single cycle seems to be quite a bit of work, too. Currently nobody can test multiarch with in-archive software. The multiarch patches did not even land in experimental, despite some pokes from fellow project members[1]. It's been over a month since your last announcement[2] that 1.16.2 is "coming soon". If you have concerns over the implementation that's already in place in a Debian derivative please speak up now, so that they can be properly addressed in time. I can understand your desire to review the changes properly[3], but please don't let perfect be the enemy of good. We would like to see a dpkg with multiarch support in experimental now and dpkg in sid in about two weeks time. Otherwise we might not be able to pursue this goal for wheezy. Kind regards and serious thanks for all your efforts, Philipp Kern for the Debian Release Team [0] [1] [2] [3] -- .''`. Philipp Kern Debian Developer : :' : Stable Release Manager `. `' Wanna-Build Admin `- finger pkern/
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