As the drafter of the proposed release goal for Python [1],  I will confess 
some surprise when I read on d-d-a [2] that this had been dropped for Wheezy 
without being involved any discussion or at least notification.   Regardless, 
it's the release team's call, so it's gone.

I'm somewhat unsure how to proceed.

There is a fair bit of work to get python2.7 as the default and only python 
for Wheezy.  There is both a transition bug [3] and a usertag [4] (yes, I know 
some consolidation is needed) and additional testing needed.  Without a 
release goal, which would permit developers interested in Python in Debian 
treat these bugs as if they were RC and to NMU to work towards this goal, the 
only options I see are:

a.  Wait until maintainers address these issues
b.  Upload python-defaults making python2.7 default so these become true RC 

I suspect option a would substantially delay this transition and option b 
would be signifincantly disruptive.

I'm also anticipating that developers (all of whom have limited time 
available) will reasonably read this decision as meaning fixing these bugs is a 
lower priority (in fact, I think that instead of Important, they should 
probably be Wishlist now).

I would appreciate knowing how the release team expects this to work?  I asked 
about this on Niels Thykier suggested I write an email instead.

Scott K

P.S.  I am not subscribed, please CC me on any replies.


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