Hi Eric,

not a member of the release team, but since I've pushed a bit to get
a fixed package considered for stable, following up…

Eric Cooper <e...@cmu.edu> (08/05/2011):
> The introduction of InRelease files makes the current stable version
> of approx (4.5-1) mostly useless for caching the wheezy and sid
> distributions.  A typical use case is with pbuilder or d-i work.

(oh yeah, that's painful.)

> The version in sid, 4.6-1, understands InRelease files and builds in
> squeeze with no changes.  But it has a number of other changes since
> 4.5-1.

Usually, posting patches for review on -release makes their job
easier; trying to give an overview, diffstat between both versions:
 approx.ml              |   81 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 config.ml              |    6 +--
 control_file.ml        |   80 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 debian/approx.config   |    3 +
 debian/approx.postinst |   11 +++++-
 debian/approx.postrm   |    3 +
 debian/changelog       |   12 +++++++
 debian/compat          |    2 -
 debian/control         |    5 +--
 debian/po/da.po        |   35 +++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/rules           |   10 +++---
 doc/FAQ                |    8 ++++
 etc/approx.conf        |    1 
 gc.ml                  |   46 +++++++++++++++++++--------
 release.ml             |   26 +++++++++------
 release.mli            |   22 +++----------
 url.ml                 |   20 ++++++++++--
 url.mli                |    6 +++
 util.ml                |   13 ++-----
 util.mli               |    6 +--
 20 files changed, 251 insertions(+), 145 deletions(-)

Maybe a bit too much for a stable upload…

Looking at just the interesting commit (58b8509d4c):
 control_file.ml |   80 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 gc.ml           |   46 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 release.ml      |   26 ++++++++++--------
 release.mli     |   22 +++------------
 util.ml         |   13 ++-------
 util.mli        |    6 ++--
 6 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-)

Maybe a bit too much still… But we have plenty of ocaml folks on
-release, so they might actually review it! :-)

(I can only say I'm an happy user of the new version, be it on sid or
on stable.)

> Alternatively, I can add a one-line patch to 4.5-1 that simply
> denies requests for InRelease files (forcing the clients to fall
> back to Release + Release.gpg files).
> Please advise whether either of these would be acceptable.

IMVVVVHO this might be the safest course of action. I'd be happy to
test any patch/package to that effect.

Thanks again, Eric.


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