
  Could you please add some background information to
  < http://wiki.debian.org/ReleaseGoals > ?

  In my case, I am not sure if that wiki page is to make a wish or
wishes that have already been agreed and granted.

  Some of you might know that there is an on-going effort to port
Debian to ARM hard float land (namely 'armhf'). I would like to make a
wish and make it a release goal, or at least have it considered.

> Release Goals
> -------------
> As a first step towards establishing release goals for wheezy, we will
> be reviewing each of the goals which we had for squeeze [RDO:SGoals] to
> see which have been achieved and which may no longer be relevant for
> other reasons.
> If you are listed as the proponent for a goal in the above list, please
> feel free to provide a status update on progress towards completing it
> and whether you believe it is relevant for the wheezy cycle.  You can
> also e-mail us to propose a new goal, including a description of the
> goal and an indication of how progress on the issues may be tracked
> (e.g. a pointer to a set of appropriate user-tagged bugs).

Port Debian to ARM hard float userland.
< http://wiki.debian.org/ArmHardFloatPort >

If the ReleaseGoals wiki page is for such purpose, I'll proceed on
next days to file all required documentation. In any other case, we
already have a way of tracking progress via:
 < http://wiki.debian.org/ArmHardFloatTodo >

> In some cases in previous cycles release goals have become "orphaned",
> for instance as a result of the original proponent either being
> unavailable to work on them or losing interest.  To try and avoid such
> issues occurring for wheezy, we are considering requesting that each
> goal have a nominated "shepherd" (or shepherds) who will monitor
> progress towards the goal and provide regular status updates on that
> progress (even if it's "same as last time").

  * Konstantinos Margaritis < mar...@debian.org >
  * Héctor Orón < zu...@debian.org >

> We're also after new goals! I know that expressions of interest in
> multiarch and tdebs have already been indicated, but if you have
> something you would want to see happen for Wheezy, please let us know.

I think I have, if I am missing something, please let me know.
As a side note, FTP masters have agreed to bootstrap armhf in the archive.
  < http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=615513 >

> Sprint
> ------
> We feel it would be useful for the Release Team as a whole to get
> together to think about what the plans are for the next release. As
> such, we're planning a sprint to meet in person. Details will follow
> once diaries have been able to be synchronised!

It would be nice if you could consider our proposal too.

> 0-day NMU policy
> ----------------
> For some time now, we have had a perpetual 0-day NMU policy, and some
> discussion [LDO:0day] was had a while ago. We feel that this has worked
> well for the past five years, and so will be submitting a bug against
> dev-ref to make this official.
> For avoidance of doubt, this means that RC bugs that are older than one
> week that haven't had maintainer activity on it for a week can be
> uploaded to DELAYED/0-day. This means that patches must still make their
> way to the BTS, and the usual workflow must still follow.

If armhf port is considered a release goal, the policy above probably applies.

> [DDA:Done] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2011/02/msg00003.html
> [RDO:SGoals] http://release.debian.org/squeeze/goals.txt
> [LDO:0day] http://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2006/07/msg00231.html

Kind regards,
 Héctor Orón  -.. . -... .. .- -.   -.. . ...- . .-.. --- .--. . .-.

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