
I am writing to see if it is possible to unblock aMSN. The current version in
unstable makes aMSN to be able to receive offline messages, again.  I am
attaching to this mail the diff created by debdiff between current version in
testing and unstable.

I'd like to add that 35 days have passed since I uploaded this package and
nobody has reported any bug. I am really sorry for the delay on writing this
mail. The other thing it is that I bumped Standards-Version to 3.9.1 and when
checking in /usr/share/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist.txt.gz no changes
were needed (not sure if this fact would avoid the unblocking). In any case, I'd
appreciate any advice in case the unblocking be impossible at this moment. 

Thanks for reading, 
Muammar El Khatib.
Linux user: 403107.
Key fingerprint = 90B8 BFC4 4A75 B881 39A3 1440 30EB 403B 1270 29F1
http://muammar.me | http://proyectociencia.org  
 : :' :
 `. `'
diff -u amsn-0.98.3/debian/rules amsn-0.98.3/debian/rules
--- amsn-0.98.3/debian/rules
+++ amsn-0.98.3/debian/rules
@@ -81,7 +81,6 @@
 	"$(CURDIR)/debian/amsn-data/usr/share/amsn/skins/default/pixmaps/plain_emblem_detailedview.png" \
 	"$(CURDIR)/debian/amsn-data/usr/share/amsn/skins/default/pixmaps/away_emblem_detailedview.png" \
 	"$(CURDIR)/debian/amsn-data/usr/share/amsn/skins/default/pixmaps/busy_emblem_detailedview.png" \
-	"$(CURDIR)/debian/amsn-data/usr/share/amsn/utils/asyncresolver/libasyncresolver.so" \
         "$(CURDIR)/debian/amsn-data/usr/share/amsn/plugins/SkinColor/plugininfo.xml" \
 	"$(CURDIR)/debian/amsn-data/usr/share/amsn/plugins/SpellCheck/lang/langlt" \
 	"$(CURDIR)/debian/amsn-data/usr/share/amsn/plugins/growl/styles/aMSNMac.growlStyle/Contents/Info.plist" \
@@ -96,15 +95,19 @@
 	find $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn-data/usr/share/amsn/skins/Oxygen/ -name *.png -exec chmod 644 {} \;
+ifneq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS),hurd)
+	chmod 644 "$(CURDIR)/debian/amsn-data/usr/share/amsn/utils/asyncresolver/libasyncresolver.so" 
+	mv $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn-data/usr/share/amsn/utils/asyncresolver $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn/usr/lib/amsn/utils
+	mv $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn-data/usr/share/amsn/utils/webcamsn $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn/usr/lib/amsn/utils
 	# .so files go in /usr/lib
-	mv $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn-data/usr/share/amsn/utils/webcamsn $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn/usr/lib/amsn/utils
 	mv $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn-data/usr/share/amsn/amsn $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn/usr/share/amsn
 	mv $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn-data/usr/share/amsn/amsn-remote $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn/usr/share/amsn
 	mv $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn-data/usr/share/amsn/amsn-remote-CLI $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn/usr/share/amsn
 	mv $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn-data/usr/share/amsn/utils/TkCximage/*  $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn/usr/lib/amsn/utils/TkCximage
 	mv $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn-data/usr/share/amsn/utils/tcl_siren $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn/usr/lib/amsn/utils
-	mv $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn-data/usr/share/amsn/utils/asyncresolver $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn/usr/lib/amsn/utils
 	mv $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn-data/usr/share/amsn/utils/farsight $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn/usr/lib/amsn/utils
 	mv $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn-data/usr/share/amsn/utils/tclISF $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn/usr/lib/amsn/utils
 	mv $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn-data/usr/share/amsn/utils/gupnp $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn/usr/lib/amsn/utils
diff -u amsn-0.98.3/debian/control amsn-0.98.3/debian/control
--- amsn-0.98.3/debian/control
+++ amsn-0.98.3/debian/control
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Source: amsn
 Section: x11
 Priority: optional
-Maintainer: Muammar El Khatib <muammarelkha...@gmail.com>
+Maintainer: Muammar El Khatib <muam...@debian.org>
 Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 6), tcl8.5-dev, tk8.5-dev, dpatch, libpng12-dev, libjpeg62-dev, libnice-dev, libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev, libgstfarsight0.10-dev (>= 0.0.9), libv4l-dev [!kfreebsd-i386 !kfreebsd-amd64 !hurd-i386], libgupnp-1.0-dev, libgupnp-igd-1.0-dev
-Standards-Version: 3.8.4
+Standards-Version: 3.9.1
 Homepage: http://amsn.sourceforge.net/
 Package: amsn
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, amsn-data (= ${source:Version}), tk8.5, tcl-tls, libsnack2-alsa | libsnack2, ${misc:Depends}
 Suggests: iceweasel | iceape | galeon | konqueror | arora, sox, docker, tclsh
 Replaces: amsn-data	
-Conflicts: amsn-data (<=
+Breaks: amsn-data (<=
 Description: An MSN messenger written in Tcl
  A very nice MSN compatible messenger application. Works pretty much like its
  Windows based counterpart. Perfect for keeping in touch with those friends
diff -u amsn-0.98.3/debian/changelog amsn-0.98.3/debian/changelog
--- amsn-0.98.3/debian/changelog
+++ amsn-0.98.3/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,36 @@
+amsn (0.98.3-5) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Uploading to unstable because of the fact the test previously made in the 
+    upload to experimental (revision 0.98.3-4) was successful.
+ -- Muammar El Khatib <muam...@debian.org>  Tue, 21 Dec 2010 22:21:39 +0100
+amsn (0.98.3-4) experimental; urgency=low
+  * debian/rules: utils/webcamsn is not created for hurd-i386 so it has been put
+    into the conditional ifneq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS),hurd) for avoiding copying  
+    it in the install target. 
+ -- Muammar El Khatib <muam...@debian.org>  Tue, 21 Dec 2010 15:55:41 +0100
+amsn (0.98.3-3) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.1. No changes were needed.
+  * debian/patches/07_infoaudacious.dpatch
+    + It has been included a patch from revision 12184 of amsn's SVN repository.
+      With this change, the audacios music plugin is able to detect when the 
+      player is set to the 'paused' state. (Closes: #597204)
+  * debian/patches/08_offline_message_issue.dpatch
+    + This is a change introduced in aMSN's SVN (revision 12185) to protocol.tcl
+      due to changes in the oim soap request so that aMSN is able to receive 
+      offline messages again. Thanks to Riccardo Stagni for providing a patch.
+      (Closes: #600971)
+  * Maintainer's mail has been changed. 
+  * This revision of aMSN avoids a FTBFS that happens in Hurd because of the 
+   libasyncresolver.so. 
+ -- Muammar El Khatib <muam...@debian.org>  Fri, 19 Dec 2010 18:23:38 +0100
 amsn (0.98.3-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * debian/patches/06_recognize_kfreebsd.patch.dpatch
diff -u amsn-0.98.3/debian/patches/00list amsn-0.98.3/debian/patches/00list
--- amsn-0.98.3/debian/patches/00list
+++ amsn-0.98.3/debian/patches/00list
@@ -6,0 +7,2 @@
only in patch2:
--- amsn-0.98.3.orig/debian/patches/08_offline_message_issue.dpatch
+++ amsn-0.98.3/debian/patches/08_offline_message_issue.dpatch
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
+## 08_offline_message_issue.dpatch by Muammar El Khatib <muammarelkha...@gmail.com>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: This patch makes amsn able to receive offline messages possible due to
+## changes in MSN's protocol. 
+--- amsn-0.98.3/protocol.tcl	2010/10/13 22:15:50	12195
++++ protocol.tcl	2010/10/16 23:06:47	12196
+@@ -3820,6 +3820,11 @@
+ 			$soap destroy
+ 			set msg [GetXmlEntry $xml "soap:Envelope:soap:Body:GetMessageResponse:GetMessageResult"]
++			if {$msg == ""} {
++				#microsoft changed the oim format to the prefix s: instead of soap:
++				#so this is some kind of hack to try if this oim has the new prefix 
++				set msg [GetXmlEntry $xml "s:Envelope:s:Body:GetMessageResponse:GetMessageResult"]
++			}
+ 			set msg [string map {"\r\n" "\n" } $msg]
+ 			set msg [string map {"\n" "\r\n" } $msg]
+ 			set message [Message create %AUTO%]
+@@ -3839,6 +3844,13 @@
+ 				status_log "Auth failed, retry : $retry" white
+                                 set reauth [GetXmlEntry $xml "soap:Envelope:soap:Body:soap:Fault:detail:RequiredAuthPolicy"]
+                                 set lock_challenge [GetXmlEntry $xml "soap:Envelope:soap:Body:soap:Fault:detail:LockKeyChallenge"]
++				if {$reauth == "" && $lock_challenge == ""} {
++					#microsoft changed the oim format to the prefix s: instead of soap:
++					#so this is some kind of hack to try if this oim has the new prefix 
++					set reauth [GetXmlEntry $xml "s:Envelope:s:Body:s:Fault:detail:RequiredAuthPolicy"]
++					set lock_challenge [GetXmlEntry $xml "s:Envelope:s:Body:s:Fault:detail:LockKeyChallenge"]
++				}
+                                 if { $lock_challenge != "" } {
+                                         CreateLockKey $lock_challenge
+                                 }
+@@ -3919,6 +3931,13 @@
+ 			if { $faultcode == "q0:AuthenticationFailed" } {
+ 				set reauth [GetXmlEntry $xml "soap:Envelope:soap:Body:soap:Fault:detail:RequiredAuthPolicy"]
+ 				set lock_challenge [GetXmlEntry $xml "soap:Envelope:soap:Body:soap:Fault:detail:LockKeyChallenge"]
++				if {$reauth == "" && $lock_challenge == ""} {
++					#microsoft changed the oim format to the prefix s: instead of soap:
++					#so this is some kind of hack to try if this oim has the new prefix 
++					set reauth [GetXmlEntry $xml "s:Envelope:s:Body:s:Fault:detail:RequiredAuthPolicy"]
++					set lock_challenge [GetXmlEntry $xml "s:Envelope:s:Body:s:Fault:detail:LockKeyChallenge"]
++				}
+ 				if { $lock_challenge != "" } {
+ 					CreateLockKey $lock_challenge
+ 				} 
only in patch2:
--- amsn-0.98.3.orig/debian/patches/07_infoaudacious.dpatch
+++ amsn-0.98.3/debian/patches/07_infoaudacious.dpatch
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
+## 07_infoaudacious.dpatch by  <muammarelkha...@gmail.com>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: Patch for making aMSN detect the pause state of audacious correctly.
+## This patch should solve #597204. You can find the original version of this
+## patch at:
+## http://amsn.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/amsn/trunk/amsn/plugins/music/infoaudacious?r1=11684&r2=12184
+--- amsn-0.98.3/plugins/music/infoaudacious	2009-10-11 14:33:04.000000000 +0200
++++ infoaudacious	2010-09-17 21:12:10.000000000 +0200
+@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
+ 	VERSION=$($AUDTOOL version)
+ fi
+-if [ $? = 0 ]
++if [ $? = 0 ] && [ "$STATUS" = "playing" ]
+ then
+ 	echo $STATUS
+ 	MAJ=`expr substr ${VERSION#A*\ } 1 1`

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