I am maintaining python-pytools/main an python-pyopencl/contrib
Yesterday there have been few bugs opened against python-pyopencl:
#599782 (FTBFS on i386), #599872 #599874, #599875 (wrong values
in package metadata - Vcs-*, Maintainer, missing copyright).

I also need to update python-pyopencl because of changes in NVIDIA
drivers, especially move of developer headers to new package
khronos-opencl-headers (ITP #598477).

Currently testing contains pyopencl in version 0.92~beta+git20100709-1.
On 2010-09-20 upstream released final 0.92.
Differences between Debian version and final include:
* fixing array type, used to cooperate with numpy
* fixing cooperation between OpenCL and OpenGL
* preparing package for Python 3.0
* fixing execution of kernels (small functions) on new NVIDIA hardware

There has been 24 changes in upstream between version in Debian
and final 0.92. From those maybe 6 are not needed - documentation
and example fixes, fixing Python setup (which is disabled in package),
fixing Windows bug. If I would to backport fixes for errors, I would
need to include more than half of changes made by upstream.

There is no package that depends on python-pyopencl.
I am working on python-sailfish, but I have not yet proposed
inclusion of it into Debian (ITP has not yet been filled).
Sailfish and unit tests of pyopencl run without problems 

My question is - will new version (final instead of beta) of pyopencl
be accepted into Squeeze, or should I just fix bugs that are opened
in BTS and release -2 version?

Best regards.

Tomasz Rybak <bogom...@post.pl> GPG/PGP key ID: 2AD5 9860
Fingerprint A481 824E 7DD3 9C0E C40A  488E C654 FB33 2AD5 9860

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