On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 10:55:27AM +0300, Kari Pahula wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 03:17:51PM +0200, Joachim Breitner wrote:
> > I gave it a shot on merulo, but I could not figure out what???s wrong.
> > Compiler stuff is hard...
> You've got further along with debugging it than me.
> > @kaol: Is there anyone actively working on it?
> None of the upstream developers use ia64, so fixing this is likely to
> be up to Debian.  There's a chance that the upcoming 6.12 release
> (scheduled for September-November) will fix this along the way, but I
> wouldn't count on that.
> I'll give a try to building a HEAD branch snapshot.

If there's no support at all from upstream you could file a bug for a
partial removal of the ia64 binaries of all Haskell packages.  This would
at least be better than leaving them ood.  Of course, if it could be
ported to ia64...

Kind regards,
Philipp Kern
 .''`.  Philipp Kern                        Debian Developer
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  `-    finger pkern/k...@db.debian.org

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