It's now been a full month since my first message about scheduling an
ICU 4.2 transition, and I have still not done an upload to unstable
because I am still waiting for a response. Again, with the utmost
respect and admiration for the hard work being done by the release team,
I think the new policy of coordinating library transitions won't work if
the response time is so long. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the policy
and I should just upload to unstable?
To save you from reading the earlier thread, I'd like to upload ICU
4.2.1 to unstable. It is source-compatible but not binary-compatible
with ICU 4.0. The packages are structured so that binary NMUs should be
sufficient for the vast majority of reverse dependencies. The most
prominent reverse dependency,, is already okay with the
upload. The final 4.2.1 release is identical to 4.2.1~rc3 currently in
experimental. Thanks.
--- Begin Message ---
I sent the message below to debian-release 11 days ago requesting
permission to upload ICU 4.2.1 to unstable. I understand and fully
support the new policy of getting advance permission and trying to
coordinate transitions, but I'm unsure of how long I should expect to
wait before receiving a response one way or the other.
The actual 4.2.1 differs from 4.2.1~rc1 in experimental by only one line
of code and that line is inside of an #ifdef that only runs on Windows,
so for our purposes, 4.2.1~rc1 in experimental is identical to 4.2.1.
I'd still like to go ahead and get the transition going, but as per
requests to debian-devel-announce, I intend to hold off my upload until
I get confirmation from debian-release.
Please cc me on any response as I am not subscribed to debian-release.
(I did check the archives for responses before reposting.)
Thanks for all you do to keep things moving. Please see this message as
a gentle tug from someone who wants to cause as little disruption as
possible rather than as a complaint or criticism.
Jay Berkenbilt <>
Jay Berkenbilt <> wrote:
> I'd like to get a place in line for doing a transition to ICU 4.2. I
> realize there are other transitions going on right now, but I'd be
> interested in an ETA. I believe the ICU 4.0 transition worked just with
> binary NMUs, but I also seem to recall that it was forced into testing
> early. Also, previously reported that it worked with
> 4.2. In any case, I won't upload to unstable before I hear back from
> the release team. I'll be uploading 4.2.1 to experimental in the mean
> time unless you say, "yeah, go ahead and upload to unstable". :-)
--- End Message ---