On Thursday 19 March 2009 07:35:55 Eugen Dedu wrote: > The wait is finished, please upload it...
Debian Release, I am proposing to upload ptlib 2.6.1 to unstable which will start a transition. All elements of the transition are contained within the pkg-voip team with the exception of ekiga, which needs ptlib > 2.x to build, so I suspect they are supportive of this transition to experimental. I propose ptlib 2.6.1 will supply the binary package libpt-dev with Provides: libpt-1.11.2-dev, libpt-2.4.2-dev for backwards compatibility (to an extent). This is different to how ptlib has been provisioned previously in Debian and will cause some transition pain for the voip team, but the end state will be worthwhile as we will be back on upstream trunk with the current development roadmap. The use of a clean libpt-dev package (without soname) is also in line with current direction from the release team as it provides for much smoother transition and binNMU ability for rdepends. This upload will also remove the dependency links with lib1394 and we have coordinated with the 1394 team. A similar but related transition is also required for the upstream change with libopenh323 -> h323plus. We are currently maintaining too many versions of ptlib in Debian: ptlib (2.4.2-3) experimental. Other historic versions include: pwlib-titan (1.11.2-3) - was really a upstream ptlib but we didn't rename pwlib (1.10.10-3) - was really a upstream ptlib but we didn't rename Historic libs should be depreciated but we still have a few rdepends: $ apt-cache rdepends libpt2.4.2 libpt2.4.2 Reverse Depends: simpleopal libpt2.4.2-plugins-v4l2 libpt2.4.2-plugins-v4l libpt2.4.2-plugins-oss libpt2.4.2-plugins-dc libpt2.4.2-plugins-avc libpt2.4.2-plugins-alsa libpt2.4.2-dev libpt2.4.2-dbg libopal3.4.2 ekiga $ apt-cache rdepends libpt-1.10.10 libpt-1.10.10 Reverse Depends: |yate-openh323 simpleopal simph323 pstngw openam ohphone-basic ohphone libpt-dev libpt-1.10.10-dbg libopenh323-1.18.0-develop libopenh323-1.18.0 libopal-2.2-develop libopal-2.2 gnugk ekiga asterisk-oh323 asterisk-h323 $ apt-cache rdepends libpt-1.11.2 libpt-1.11.2 Reverse Depends: |t38modem simph323-titan openmcu libpt-1.11.2-dev libpt-1.11.2-dbg libopenh323-1.19.1-develop libopenh323-1.19.1 Mark
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