
please unblock fai for stable-proposed-updates, it fixes an important bug 
which prevents perl scripts from working at all, plus two minor also easy to 
fix ones.

The upload has been approved by the regular fai maintainer, Thomas and has 
been preapproved by Luk for the releaseteam, so I've allready uploaded.

I've added the package on 
http://wiki.debian.org/DebianReleases/PointReleases/5.0.1 with status "not 
yet checked".

$ debdiff fai_3.2.16.dsc  fai_3.2.16.lenny1.dsc|diffstat 
 bin/device2grub    |    2 +-
 bin/fai-do-scripts |    2 +-
 bin/fai-mirror     |   12 +++++-------
 debian/changelog   |   12 ++++++++++++
 debian/control     |    1 +
 5 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

 fai (3.2.16.lenny1) stable-proposed-updates; urgency=low
   * Added myself to uploaders to avoid NMU warnings.
   * Fix typo in fai-do-scripts which prevented perl scripts to be executed,
     thanks to Andrew Ruthven for reporting this. (Closes: #504662)
   * fai-mirror: honor $debug and $qflag environment variables, thanks to
     Michael Tautschnig. (Closes: #494431)
   * device2grub: Add /dev/i2o/hdX  to the list of recognized devices. Thanks
     to Jürgen Kahnert for the patch. (Closes: #515101)

Thanks for your endless work on lenny! ;-)


P.S.: the changes are also included in trunk and will be included in 3.2.17. 
As fai is a native package, the version number has to be like this...

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