Mike Markley <m...@markley.org> writes:
> I discovered a remote crash in all versions of dkim-milter subsequent to
> 2.6.0 (which is the version currently in lenny). There's a patch to
> 2.6.0 which fixes this, and a more complete change to the included
> library resposnible for the failed assertion is shipped in 2.8.1, which
> I plan to upload as soon as I figure out the best course of action to
> ensure the fix makes it into lenny.
> Because there have been some changes to some of the related IETF drafts
> as they've solidifed over the past few months, my preference would be to
> get 2.8.1 into lenny. With that said, I won't misrepresent the changes
> between the two versions as minor. I've run the latest versions in
> production successfully, but I'll obviously defer to the release team's
> judgment on that.

Please upload just a fixed version of 2.6.0.dfsg-1 to unstable, then
ping us again. A few days before the release, switching to a major new
upstream version is not an option.

BOFH #379:
We've picked COBOL as the language of choice.

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