Hi all,

I guess you know the game, more license clean ups occurred in TeX Live:

The following happened from .dfsg.9 to .dfsg.10:

blacklist=removed from distribution (.orig.tar and bin debs):
 - cellular
 - cmastro
 - china2e

OTOH, I reinstantiated calligra which got its license clean up, and add
an entry to the list of licenses.

Finally, I also added some more license statements which we collected
and I forgot to add till now.

And one more suggests to get some things working, nothing important.

Please unblock.

texlive-extra (2007.dfsg.10-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * blacklist cellular, it does not have any license info and the author
    is not contactable anymore (Closes: #505283)
    (RC, urgency thus medium)
  * blacklist cmastro, no license info, author unknown (no bug report, but RC)
    This closes also the "pk files in doc hierarchy" bug (Closes: #443884)
  * blacklist china2e, nosell license (no bug report, but RC)
  * reinstantiate calligra after license issues have been cleared
    up and add an entry to the Licenses file (via Licenses.add)
  * formats-extra suggests plain-extra for miniltx.tex (Closes: #504494)
  * add license statements for eqlist, varindex, toolbox, ushort, guitar,
    ziffer (Closes: #466697)

 -- Norbert Preining <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Mon, 24 Nov 2008 14:20:36 +0100

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                         Debian TeX Group
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