I'm curious way e2fpsrogs 1.41.3-1 was allowed to migrat to testing?
I don't mind, so this isn't a complaint, but if it was to fix Debian
Bug #503057, note that I haven't uploaded a package including that
fixes that yet.  And there are a number of fixes in the maint branch
of e2fsprogs that, if we were going to get a newer version of
e2fsprogs into Lenny I would want to include some fixes that aren't
yet in e2fpsrogs 1.41.3-1 if possible.

Best regards,

                                                - Ted

--- Begin Message ---
FYI: The status of the e2fsprogs source package
in Debian's testing distribution has changed.

  Previous version: 1.41.2-1
  Current version:  1.41.3-1

This email is automatically generated; the Debian Release Team
<debian-release@lists.debian.org> is responsible.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

--- End Message ---

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