
Dne Wed, 22 Oct 2008 13:19:02 +0200
Adeodato Simó <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> napsal(a):

> * Michal Čihař [Mon, 20 Oct 2008 11:52:28 +0200]:
> > Hello
> > I recently took over orphaned package sdcv, moved patches to quilt and
> > did several intrusive changes in packaging. While doing this I enabled
> > testing during build and it discovered that the binary is broken on
> > several architectures - namely arm, armel, sparc and ia64 (bug #500921).
> > This bug was not found for packages in testing because no testing was
> > done there and probably nobody uses the package on these architectures.
> > The question now is whether I should try to push fixes to testing or
> > not. Getting freeze exception for package in current unstable is
> > probably not an option as there are quite a lot of unrelated
> > packaging changes (I believe none of them is really problematic, but
> > there is simply lot of them). So should I upload through TPU, just
> > forget the issue (as there is no bug opened) or will be package
> > granted a freeze exception?
> > Please CC on reply, I'm not on the list...
> What is the fix that makes the package work in those architectures? (As
> in, is it very invasive? Is it a targetted fix?)

The actual fix is quite small, so there is not a big issue to make
upload through TPU. The patch is here:


However package in unstable contains also other fixes for problems I
found. These are not that important, but it would be good if they could
be fixed.

        Michal Čihař | http://cihar.com | http://blog.cihar.com

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