
Short explanation.  'debdelta-upgrade' uses the installed files of
packages, and patches from a repository, to build new versions of debs
for upgrading. One requisite is then (obviously) that all local data
must be pristine; for this reason, it was not compatible with
'prelink'.  That was an annoying shortcoming. Recently,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] provided me with the solution: 'prelink -u' is
guaranteed to bring back an ELF file to the previous form
(byte-by-byte identical). So I designed this simple patch that

-- debdelta-0.26/debdelta              2008-05-03 19:19:10.000000000 +0200
+++ debdelta-0.27/debdelta             2008-09-15 12:42:14.000000000 +0200
@@ -669,6 +669,8 @@
   if TD[-1] != '/':
     TD = TD + '/'
+  HAVE_PRELINK=os.path.exists('/usr/sbin/prelink')
   if newdeb:
@@ -789,8 +791,17 @@
         if not os.path.exists(d):
-        if VERBOSE > 3 : print '   symlinking ',divert,' to ',a
-        os.symlink(divert, a)
+        #the following code idea was provided by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+        if HAVE_PRELINK and '\x7fELF' == open(divert).read(4):
+          shutil.copyfile(divert, a)
+          if VERBOSE > 3 or DEBUG > 1:
+            print '   copying/unprelinking ',divert,' to ',a
+            os.system('/usr/sbin/prelink -u '+a)
+          else:
+            os.system('/usr/sbin/prelink -u '+a+' >/dev/null 2>&1')
+        else:
+          if VERBOSE > 3 : print '   symlinking ',divert,' to ',a
+          os.symlink(divert, a)
         if VERBOSE > 3 : print '    not symlinking ',divert,' to ',orig

I asked help to Roman and to pabs; we tested this patch for some days
on ~5 different hosts, and it seems to work. (It is indeed a win-win
patch: if prelink is absent, the code works exactly as before).

This patch is now part of debdelta 0.27 .

In the release guideline it was said 

> [...] changes that will be
>       accepted into testing during the freeze [...]
> - fixes for severity: important bugs in packages of priority: optional
>   or extra, only when this can be done via unstable;

I dont clearly understand if my update is in this case, so I just ask.
Would you let it in?


ps: let me tell honestly that there is not a bug in BTS that this
update formally closes. The reason is that I lazily associated this
problem to bug 374892 (that tells that debdelta is incompatible with
'localepurge'). Yes, I know I should have probably cloned that bug, so
I now may close it! :->

Andrea Mennucc

"The EULA sounds like it was written by a team of lawyers who want to tell 
me what I can't do, and the GPL sounds like it was written by a human 
being who wants me to know what I can do."
Anonymous,    http://www.securityfocus.com/columnists/420

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