Hi release team,

I'd like to ask for a freeze exception for liblinux-lvm-perl.

I've just uploaded 0.14-1 to unstable, which fixes an RC bug: #488205

The package has mostly been prepared by David Bremner, and he did the
tests to make sure the bug is fixed; cf. his comments in the bug

This is a new upstream release but the actual changes are only in one
file (LVM.pm), so backporting them would just shift the diff from
upstream to debian/patches. We tried to keep the changes in debian/*
to a minimum.

I'm attaching the debdiff output between 0.13-2 and 0.14-1.

 .''`.   http://info.comodo.priv.at/ | gpg key ID: 0x00F3CFE4
 : :' :  debian gnu/linux user, admin & developer - http://www.debian.org/
 `. `'   member of https://www.vibe.at/ | how to reply: http://got.to/quote/
   `-    NP: Ostbahn-Kurti & Die Chefpartie: Tequila Sunrise
diff -Nru liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/Changes liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/Changes
--- liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/Changes	2003-04-10 14:48:39.000000000 +0200
+++ liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/Changes	2008-07-02 09:54:21.000000000 +0200
@@ -14,7 +14,11 @@
 	- Added some basic error checking.
 0.13  Mon Apr 10 07:45:00 2003
-	- Reworked some of the regule expressions.
+	- Reworked some of the regular expressions.
 	- Improved the source documentation.
 	- Added some examples of how to use the module.
+0.14  Wed Jul  2 02:54:14 CDT 2008
+        - Fixed some logic errors to get it working a little better
+        - Full rewrite underway
diff -Nru liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/LVM.pm liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/LVM.pm
--- liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/LVM.pm	2003-04-09 21:55:57.000000000 +0200
+++ liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/LVM.pm	2008-07-02 09:53:41.000000000 +0200
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
-our $VERSION = '0.13';
+our $VERSION = '0.14';
 # Preloaded methods go here.
@@ -151,177 +151,196 @@
     my $lvn;
     my $pvn;
-    if( ! -e "/sbin/vgdisplay" ) { die("LVM utilities not installed in /sbin"); }
-    my @vginfo = `/sbin/vgdisplay -v`;
+    if( ! -e "/usr/sbin/vgdisplay" ) { die("LVM utilities not installed in /sbin"); }
+    my @vginfo = `/usr/sbin/vgdisplay -v`;
     VGINF: foreach(@vginfo) {
+        chomp;
+        s/^\s+//g;
+        s/\s+$//g;
+        next VGINF if m/^$/;
         # Parse the volume group name.
-        if( m/^VG Name\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
+        if( m/VG Name\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
             $vgn = $1; $vghash{$vgn}->{vgname} = $1; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the volume group access.
-        elsif( m/^VG Access\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
+        elsif( m/VG Access\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
             $vghash{$vgn}->{access} = $1; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the volume group status.
-        elsif( m/^VG Status\s+(.+)/ ) { 
+        elsif( m/VG Status\s+(.+)/ ) { 
             $vghash{$vgn}->{status} = $1; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the volume group number.
-        elsif( m/^VG #\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
+        elsif( m/VG #\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
             $vghash{$vgn}->{vg_number} = $1; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the maximum logical volume size and size unit for the volume group.
-        elsif( m/^MAX LV Size\s+(\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
+        elsif( m/MAX LV Size\s+(\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
             $vghash{$vgn}->{max_lv_size} = $1;
             $vghash{$vgn}->{max_lv_size_unit} = $2; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the maximum number of logical volumes for the volume group.
-        elsif( m/^MAX LV\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
+        elsif( m/MAX LV\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
             $vghash{$vgn}->{max_lv} = $1; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the current number of logical volumes for the volume group.
-        elsif( m/^Cur LV\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
+        elsif( m/Cur LV\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
             $vghash{$vgn}->{cur_lv} = $1; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the number of open logical volumes for the volume group.
-        elsif( m/^Open LV\s+(\S+)/ )   { 
+        elsif( m/Open LV\s+(\S+)/ )   { 
             $vghash{$vgn}->{open_lv} = $1; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the number of physical volumes accessible to the volume group.
-        elsif( m/^Max PV\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
+        elsif( m/Max PV\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
             $vghash{$vgn}->{max_pv} = $1; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the current number of physical volumes in the volume group.
-        elsif( m/^Cur PV\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
+        elsif( m/Cur PV\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
             $vghash{$vgn}->{cur_pv} = $1; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the number of active physical volumes in the volume group.
-        elsif( m/^Act PV\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
+        elsif( m/Act PV\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
             $vghash{$vgn}->{act_pv} = $1; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the size of the volume group.
-        elsif( m/^VG Size\s+(\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
+        elsif( m/VG Size\s+(\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
             $vghash{$vgn}->{vg_size} = $1;
             $vghash{$vgn}->{vg_size_unit} = $2; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the physical extent size and unit for one extent of volume group.
-        elsif( m/^PE Size\s+(\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
+        elsif( m/PE Size\s+(\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
             $vghash{$vgn}->{pe_size} = $1;
             $vghash{$vgn}->{pe_size_unit} = $2; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the total number and number of free physical extents from the physical disk.
-        elsif( m/^Total PE \/ Free PE\s+(\S+) \/ (\S+)/m ) {
+        elsif( m/Total PE \/ Free PE\s+(\S+) \/ (\S+)/m ) {
             $vghash{$vgn}->{pvols}->{$pvn}->{total_pe} = $1;
             $vghash{$vgn}->{pvols}->{$pvn}->{free_pe} = $2;
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the total number of physical extents from the volume group.
-        elsif( m/^Total PE\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
+        elsif( m/Total PE\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
             $vghash{$vgn}->{total_pe} = $1; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the number of allocated physical extents from the volume group.
-        elsif( m/^Alloc PE \/ Size\s+(\S+) \/ (\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
+        elsif( m/Alloc PE \/ Size\s+(\S+) \/ (\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
             $vghash{$vgn}->{alloc_pe} = $1;
             $vghash{$vgn}->{alloc_pe_size} = $2;
             $vghash{$vgn}->{alloc_pe_size_unit} = $3; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the volume group name.
-        elsif( m/^Free  PE \/ Size\s+(\S+) \/ (\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
+        elsif( m/Free  PE \/ Size\s+(\S+) \/ (\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
             $vghash{$vgn}->{free_pe} = $1;
             $vghash{$vgn}->{free_pe_size} = $2;
             $vghash{$vgn}->{free_pe_size_unit} = $3; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the volume group uuid.
-        elsif( m/^VG UUID\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
+        elsif( m/VG UUID\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
             $vghash{$vgn}->{uuid} = $1; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the logical volume name.
-        elsif( m/^LV Name\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
+        elsif( m/LV Name\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
             $lvn = $1; 
             $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{name} = $1; 
             next VGINF; }
+        # Parse the logical volume UUID.
+        elsif( m/LV UUID\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
+            $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{uuid} = $1; 
+            next VGINF; }
+        # Parse the logical volume UUID.
+        elsif( m/Segments\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
+            $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{segments} = $1; 
+            next VGINF; }
         # Parse the logical volume size and unit.
-        elsif( m/^LV Size\s+(\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
+        elsif( m/LV Size\s+(\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
             $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{lv_size} = $1;
             $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{lv_size_unit} = $2; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the logical volume write access.
-        elsif( m/^LV Write Access\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
+        elsif( m/LV Write Access\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
             $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{write_access} = $1; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the logical volume status.
-        elsif( m/^LV Status\s+(.+)/ ) { 
+        elsif( m/LV Status\s+(.+)/ ) { 
             $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{status} = $1; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the number of logical extents in the logical volume.
-        elsif( m/^Current LE\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
+        elsif( m/Current LE\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
             $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{cur_le} = $1; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the number of allocated logical extents in the logical volume.
-        elsif( m/^Allocated LE\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
+        elsif( m/Allocated LE\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
             $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{alloc_le} = $1; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the allocation type for the logical volume.
-        elsif( m/^Allocation\s+(.+)/ ) { 
+        elsif( m/Allocation\s+(.+)/ ) { 
             $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{allocation} = $1; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the volume number.
-        elsif( m/^LV #\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
+        elsif( m/LV #\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
             $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{lv_number} = $1; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the number of times the logical volume is open.
-        elsif( m/^# open\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
+        elsif( m/# open\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
             $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{open_lv} = $1; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the block device of the logical volume.
-        elsif( m/^Block device\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
+        elsif( m/Block device\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
             $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{device} = $1; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the value for the read ahead sectors of the logical volume.
-        elsif( m/^Read ahead sectors\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
+        elsif( m/Read ahead sectors\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
             $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{read_ahead} = $1; 
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the physical disk name.
-        elsif( m/^PV Name \(\#\)\s+(\S+) \((\S)\)/ ) {
-            $pvn = $2;
+        elsif( m/PV Name\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+            $pvn = $1;
             $vghash{$vgn}->{pvols}->{$pvn}->{device} = $1;
-            $vghash{$vgn}->{pvols}->{$pvn}->{pv_number} = $2;
             next VGINF; }
         # Parse the status of the physical disk.
-        elsif( m/^PV Status\s+(.+)/ ) { 
+        elsif( m/PV Status\s+(.+)/ ) { 
             $vghash{$vgn}->{pvols}->{$pvn}->{status} = $1; 
             next VGINF; }
+        # Parse the status of the physical disk.
+        elsif( m/PV UUID\s+(.+)/ ) { 
+            $vghash{$vgn}->{pvols}->{$pvn}->{uuid} = $1; 
+            next VGINF; }
     return %vghash;
 } # End of the get_vg_information routine.
@@ -342,71 +361,69 @@
     my %pvhash;
     if( ! -e "$pvname" ) { die("Physical Disk: $pvname does not exist."); }
-    if( ! -e "/sbin/pvdisplay" ) { die("LVM utilities not installed in /sbin"); }
-    my @pvinfo = `/sbin/pvdisplay $pvname`;
+    if( ! -e "/usr/sbin/pvdisplay" ) { die("LVM utilities not installed in /sbin"); }
+    my @pvinfo = `/usr/sbin/pvdisplay $pvname`;
     PVINF: foreach(@pvinfo) {
         # Get the name of the physical volume.
-        if( m/^PV Name\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+        if( m/PV Name\s+(\S+)/ ) {
             $pvhash{pv_name} = $1;
             next PVINF; }
         # Get the name of the volume group the physical volume belongs to.
-        if( m/^VG Name\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+        if( m/VG Name\s+(\S+)/ ) {
             $pvhash{vg_name} = $1;
             next PVINF; }
         # Get the size information of the physical volume.
-        if( m/^PV Size\s+(\S+) (\S+) \[(\S+) secs\] \/ (.+)/ ) {
+        if( m/PV Size\s+(\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
             $pvhash{size} = $1;
             $pvhash{size_unit} = $2;
-            $pvhash{sectors} = $3;
-            $pvhash{size_info} = $4;
             next PVINF; }
         # Get the physical volume number.
-        if( m/^PV\#\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+        if( m/PV\#\s+(\S+)/ ) {
             $pvhash{pv_number} = $1;
             next PVINF; }
         # Get the status of the physical volume.
-        if( m/^PV Status\s+(.+)/ ) {
+        if( m/PV Status\s+(.+)/ ) {
             $pvhash{status} = $1;
             next PVINF; }
         # Get the allocation status of the physical volume.
-        if( m/^Allocatable\s+(.+)/ ) {
+        if( m/Allocatable\s+(.+)/ ) {
             $pvhash{allocatable} = $1;
             next PVINF; }
         # Get the number of logical volumes on the physical volume.
-        if( m/^Cur LV\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+        if( m/Cur LV\s+(\S+)/ ) {
             $pvhash{num_lvols} = $1;
             next PVINF; }
         # Get the physical extent size and unit of the physical volume.
-        if( m/^PE Size \((\S+)\)\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+        if( m/PE Size \((\S+)\)\s+(\S+)/ ) {
             $pvhash{pe_size} = $2;
             $pvhash{pe_size_unit} = $1;
             next PVINF; }
         # Get the total numver of physical extents on the physical volume.
-        if( m/^Total PE\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+        if( m/Total PE\s+(\S+)/ ) {
             $pvhash{total_pe} = $1;
             next PVINF; }
         # Get the number of free extents on the physical volume.
-        if( m/^Free PE\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+        if( m/Free PE\s+(\S+)/ ) {
             $pvhash{free_pe} = $1;
             next PVINF; }
         # Get the number of allocated physical extents on the physical volume.
-        if( m/^Allocated PE\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+        if( m/Allocated PE\s+(\S+)/ ) {
             $pvhash{alloc_pe} = $1;
             next PVINF; }
         # Get the UUID of the physical volume.
-        if( m/^PV UUID\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+        if( m/PV UUID\s+(\S+)/ ) {
             $pvhash{uuid} = $1;
             next PVINF; }
@@ -428,69 +445,74 @@
     my $lvname = $_[0];
     my %lvhash;
     if( ! -e "$lvname" ) { die("Logical Disk: $lvname does not exist."); }
-    if( ! -e "/sbin/lvdisplay" ) { die("LVM utilities not installed in /sbin"); }
-    my @lvinfo = `/sbin/lvdisplay $lvname`;
+    if( ! -e "/usr/sbin/lvdisplay" ) { die("LVM utilities not installed in /sbin"); }
+    my @lvinfo = `/usr/sbin/lvdisplay $lvname`;
     LVINF: foreach(@lvinfo) {
         # Get the logical volume name.
-        if( m/^LV Name\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+        if( m/LV Name\s+(\S+)/ ) {
             $lvhash{lv_name} = $1;
             next LVINF; }
         # Get the volume group name.
-        if( m/^VG Name\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+        if( m/VG Name\s+(\S+)/ ) {
             $lvhash{vg_name} = $1;
             next LVINF; }
+        # Get the volume group name.
+        if( m/LV UUID\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+            $lvhash{uuid} = $1;
+            next LVINF; }
         # Get the logical volume write status.
-        if( m/^LV Write Access\s+(.+)/ ) {
+        if( m/LV Write Access\s+(.+)/ ) {
             $lvhash{access} = $1;
             next LVINF; }
         # Get the logical volume status.
-        if( m/^LV Status\s+(.+)/ ) {
+        if( m/LV Status\s+(.+)/ ) {
             $lvhash{status} = $1;
             next LVINF; }
         # Get the logical volume number.
-        if( m/^LV \#\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+        if( m/LV \#\s+(\S+)/ ) {
             $lvhash{lv_number} = $1;
             next LVINF; }
         # Get the number of opens for the logical volume.
-        if( m/^\# open\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+        if( m/\# open\s+(\S+)/ ) {
             $lvhash{lv_open} = $1;
             next LVINF; }
         # Get the logical volume size and size unit.
-        if( m/^LV Size\s+(\S+) (\S+)/ )  {
+        if( m/LV Size\s+(\S+) (\S+)/ )  {
             $lvhash{size} = $1;
             $lvhash{size_unit} = $2;
             next LVINF; }
         # Get the number of extents assigned to the logical volume.
-        if( m/^Current LE\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+        if( m/Current LE\s+(\S+)/ ) {
             $lvhash{current_le} = $1;
             next LVINF; }
         # Get the number of extents allocated to the logical volume.
-        if( m/^Allocated LE\s+(\S+)/ )  {
+        if( m/Allocated LE\s+(\S+)/ )  {
             $lvhash{alloc_le} = $1;
             next LVINF; }
         # Get the extent allocation type of the logical volume.
-        if( m/^Allocation\s+(.+)/ ) {
+        if( m/Allocation\s+(.+)/ ) {
             $lvhash{allocation} = $1;
             next LVINF; }
         # Get the number of read ahead sectors for the logical volume.
-        if( m/^Read ahead sectors\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+        if( m/Read ahead sectors\s+(\S+)/ ) {
             $lvhash{read_ahead} = $1;
             next LVINF; }
         # Get the block device of the logical volume.
-        if( m/^Block device\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+        if( m/Block device\s+(\S+)/ ) {
             $lvhash{block_device} = $1;
             next LVINF; }
diff -Nru liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/MANIFEST liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/MANIFEST
--- liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/MANIFEST	2003-04-10 15:04:05.000000000 +0200
+++ liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/MANIFEST	2008-07-02 09:55:20.000000000 +0200
@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@
+META.yml                                 Module meta-data (added by MakeMaker)
diff -Nru liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/META.yml liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/META.yml
--- liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/META.yml	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/META.yml	2008-07-02 09:55:20.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec.html
+#XXXXXXX This is a prototype!!!  It will change in the future!!! XXXXX#
+name:         Linux-LVM
+version:      0.14
+version_from: LVM.pm
+installdirs:  site
+distribution_type: module
+generated_by: ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.30
diff -Nru liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/README liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/README
--- liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/README	2003-04-04 15:02:52.000000000 +0200
+++ liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/README	2008-03-02 03:29:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Linux/LVM version 0.01
+Linux/LVM version 0.14
 This module was written so that I could create my own disk allocation
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
-Copyright (C) 2003 Chad Kerner
+Copyright (C) 2008 Chad Kerner
 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the same terms as Perl itself. 
diff -Nru liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/debian/README.source liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/debian/README.source
--- liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/debian/README.source	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/debian/README.source	2008-08-28 17:14:47.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+This package uses quilt to manage all modifications to the upstream
+source.  Changes are stored in the source package as diffs in
+debian/patches and applied during the build.
+See /usr/share/doc/quilt/README.source for a detailed explanation.
diff -Nru liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/debian/changelog liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/debian/changelog
--- liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/debian/changelog	2008-08-28 17:14:46.000000000 +0200
+++ liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/debian/changelog	2008-08-28 17:14:47.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,23 @@
+liblinux-lvm-perl (0.14-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  [ Jeremiah C. Foster ]
+  * New upstream release (Closes: #488205)
+  [ David Bremner ]
+  * Remove obsolete patch for whitespace in command output (fixed upstream)
+  * Patch /usr/sbin paths to /sbin
+  * Add myself to uploaders
+  * Add lvm2 to Recommends
+  * Fix broken long/short description
+  [ gregor herrmann ]
+  * Set Standards-Version to 3.8.0.
+  * Add debian/README.source to document quilt usage, as required by
+    Debian Policy since 3.8.0.
+  * debian/copyright: update year of copyright.
+ -- David Bremner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Thu, 28 Aug 2008 14:54:50 +0000
 liblinux-lvm-perl (0.13-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Added myself as an uploader
diff -Nru liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/debian/control liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/debian/control
--- liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/debian/control	2008-08-28 17:14:46.000000000 +0200
+++ liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/debian/control	2008-08-28 17:14:47.000000000 +0200
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
 Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5.0.0), quilt
 Build-Depends-Indep: perl (>= 5.8.8-11.1)
 Maintainer: Debian Perl Group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
-Uploaders: Jeremiah C. Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Gunnar Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
-Standards-Version: 3.7.3
+Uploaders: Jeremiah C. Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Gunnar Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, David Bremner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+Standards-Version: 3.8.0
 Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/pkg-perl/trunk/liblinux-lvm-perl/
 Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/liblinux-lvm-perl/
 Homepage: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Linux::LVM/
@@ -13,5 +13,7 @@
 Package: liblinux-lvm-perl
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ${perl:Depends}
-Description:  Perl extension for accessing Logical Volume Manager(LVM)
- data structures on Linux.
+Recommends: lvm2
+Description: module to access LVM status information in perl scripts
+ Linux::LVM parses the output from vgdisplay, pvdisplay, and lvdisplay and
+ makes it available as a Perl hash.
diff -Nru liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/debian/copyright liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/debian/copyright
--- liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/debian/copyright	2008-08-28 17:14:46.000000000 +0200
+++ liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/debian/copyright	2008-08-28 17:14:47.000000000 +0200
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 The upstream author is: Chad Kerner, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
-Copyright (c) 2003 Chad Kerner
+Copyright (c) 2008 Chad Kerner
 This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
 and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff -Nru liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/debian/patches/binaries_in_sbin liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/debian/patches/binaries_in_sbin
--- liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/debian/patches/binaries_in_sbin	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/debian/patches/binaries_in_sbin	2008-08-28 17:14:47.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+--- liblinux-lvm-perl.orig/LVM.pm
++++ liblinux-lvm-perl/LVM.pm
+@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@
+     my $lvn;
+     my $pvn;
+-    if( ! -e "/usr/sbin/vgdisplay" ) { die("LVM utilities not installed in /sbin"); }
+-    my @vginfo = `/usr/sbin/vgdisplay -v`;
++    if( ! -e "/sbin/vgdisplay" ) { die("LVM utilities not installed in /sbin"); }
++    my @vginfo = `/sbin/vgdisplay -v`;
+     VGINF: foreach(@vginfo) {
+         chomp;
+@@ -361,8 +361,8 @@
+     my %pvhash;
+     if( ! -e "$pvname" ) { die("Physical Disk: $pvname does not exist."); }
+-    if( ! -e "/usr/sbin/pvdisplay" ) { die("LVM utilities not installed in /sbin"); }
+-    my @pvinfo = `/usr/sbin/pvdisplay $pvname`;
++    if( ! -e "/sbin/pvdisplay" ) { die("LVM utilities not installed in /sbin"); }
++    my @pvinfo = `/sbin/pvdisplay $pvname`;
+     PVINF: foreach(@pvinfo) {
+         # Get the name of the physical volume.
+@@ -445,8 +445,8 @@
+     my $lvname = $_[0];
+     my %lvhash;
+     if( ! -e "$lvname" ) { die("Logical Disk: $lvname does not exist."); }
+-    if( ! -e "/usr/sbin/lvdisplay" ) { die("LVM utilities not installed in /sbin"); }
+-    my @lvinfo = `/usr/sbin/lvdisplay $lvname`;
++    if( ! -e "/sbin/lvdisplay" ) { die("LVM utilities not installed in /sbin"); }
++    my @lvinfo = `/sbin/lvdisplay $lvname`;
+     LVINF: foreach(@lvinfo) {
diff -Nru liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/debian/patches/process_whitespace_in_command_output liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/debian/patches/process_whitespace_in_command_output
--- liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/debian/patches/process_whitespace_in_command_output	2008-08-28 17:14:46.000000000 +0200
+++ liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/debian/patches/process_whitespace_in_command_output	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
-Index: liblinux-lvm-perl/LVM.pm
---- liblinux-lvm-perl.orig/LVM.pm	2008-05-26 11:52:05.000000000 -0500
-+++ liblinux-lvm-perl/LVM.pm	2008-05-26 11:53:06.000000000 -0500
-@@ -157,169 +157,169 @@
-     VGINF: foreach(@vginfo) {
-         # Parse the volume group name.
--        if( m/^VG Name\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-+        if( m/^\s*VG Name\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-             $vgn = $1; $vghash{$vgn}->{vgname} = $1; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the volume group access.
--        elsif( m/^VG Access\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-+        elsif( m/^\s*VG Access\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{access} = $1; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the volume group status.
--        elsif( m/^VG Status\s+(.+)/ ) { 
-+        elsif( m/^\s*VG Status\s+(.+)/ ) { 
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{status} = $1; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the volume group number.
--        elsif( m/^VG #\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-+        elsif( m/^\s*VG #\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{vg_number} = $1; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the maximum logical volume size and size unit for the volume group.
--        elsif( m/^MAX LV Size\s+(\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
-+        elsif( m/^\s*MAX LV Size\s+(\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{max_lv_size} = $1;
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{max_lv_size_unit} = $2; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the maximum number of logical volumes for the volume group.
--        elsif( m/^MAX LV\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-+        elsif( m/^\s*MAX LV\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{max_lv} = $1; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the current number of logical volumes for the volume group.
--        elsif( m/^Cur LV\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-+        elsif( m/^\s*Cur LV\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{cur_lv} = $1; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the number of open logical volumes for the volume group.
--        elsif( m/^Open LV\s+(\S+)/ )   { 
-+        elsif( m/^\s*Open LV\s+(\S+)/ )   { 
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{open_lv} = $1; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the number of physical volumes accessible to the volume group.
--        elsif( m/^Max PV\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-+        elsif( m/^\s*Max PV\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{max_pv} = $1; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the current number of physical volumes in the volume group.
--        elsif( m/^Cur PV\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-+        elsif( m/^\s*Cur PV\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{cur_pv} = $1; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the number of active physical volumes in the volume group.
--        elsif( m/^Act PV\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-+        elsif( m/^\s*Act PV\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{act_pv} = $1; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the size of the volume group.
--        elsif( m/^VG Size\s+(\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
-+        elsif( m/^\s*VG Size\s+(\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{vg_size} = $1;
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{vg_size_unit} = $2; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the physical extent size and unit for one extent of volume group.
--        elsif( m/^PE Size\s+(\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
-+        elsif( m/^\s*PE Size\s+(\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{pe_size} = $1;
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{pe_size_unit} = $2; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the total number and number of free physical extents from the physical disk.
--        elsif( m/^Total PE \/ Free PE\s+(\S+) \/ (\S+)/m ) {
-+        elsif( m/^\s*Total PE \/ Free PE\s+(\S+) \/ (\S+)/m ) {
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{pvols}->{$pvn}->{total_pe} = $1;
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{pvols}->{$pvn}->{free_pe} = $2;
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the total number of physical extents from the volume group.
--        elsif( m/^Total PE\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-+        elsif( m/^\s*Total PE\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{total_pe} = $1; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the number of allocated physical extents from the volume group.
--        elsif( m/^Alloc PE \/ Size\s+(\S+) \/ (\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
-+        elsif( m/^\s*Alloc PE \/ Size\s+(\S+) \/ (\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{alloc_pe} = $1;
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{alloc_pe_size} = $2;
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{alloc_pe_size_unit} = $3; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the volume group name.
--        elsif( m/^Free  PE \/ Size\s+(\S+) \/ (\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
-+        elsif( m/^\s*Free  PE \/ Size\s+(\S+) \/ (\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{free_pe} = $1;
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{free_pe_size} = $2;
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{free_pe_size_unit} = $3; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the volume group uuid.
--        elsif( m/^VG UUID\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-+        elsif( m/^\s*VG UUID\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{uuid} = $1; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the logical volume name.
--        elsif( m/^LV Name\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-+        elsif( m/^\s*LV Name\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-             $lvn = $1; 
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{name} = $1; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the logical volume size and unit.
--        elsif( m/^LV Size\s+(\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
-+        elsif( m/^\s*LV Size\s+(\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{lv_size} = $1;
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{lv_size_unit} = $2; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the logical volume write access.
--        elsif( m/^LV Write Access\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-+        elsif( m/^\s*LV Write Access\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{write_access} = $1; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the logical volume status.
--        elsif( m/^LV Status\s+(.+)/ ) { 
-+        elsif( m/^\s*LV Status\s+(.+)/ ) { 
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{status} = $1; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the number of logical extents in the logical volume.
--        elsif( m/^Current LE\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-+        elsif( m/^\s*Current LE\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{cur_le} = $1; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the number of allocated logical extents in the logical volume.
--        elsif( m/^Allocated LE\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-+        elsif( m/^\s*Allocated LE\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{alloc_le} = $1; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the allocation type for the logical volume.
--        elsif( m/^Allocation\s+(.+)/ ) { 
-+        elsif( m/^\s*Allocation\s+(.+)/ ) { 
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{allocation} = $1; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the volume number.
--        elsif( m/^LV #\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-+        elsif( m/^\s*LV #\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{lv_number} = $1; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the number of times the logical volume is open.
--        elsif( m/^# open\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-+        elsif( m/^\s*# open\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{open_lv} = $1; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the block device of the logical volume.
--        elsif( m/^Block device\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-+        elsif( m/^\s*Block device\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{device} = $1; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the value for the read ahead sectors of the logical volume.
--        elsif( m/^Read ahead sectors\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-+        elsif( m/^\s*Read ahead sectors\s+(\S+)/ ) { 
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{read_ahead} = $1; 
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the physical disk name.
--        elsif( m/^PV Name \(\#\)\s+(\S+) \((\S)\)/ ) {
-+        elsif( m/^\s*PV Name \(\#\)\s+(\S+) \((\S)\)/ ) {
-             $pvn = $2;
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{pvols}->{$pvn}->{device} = $1;
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{pvols}->{$pvn}->{pv_number} = $2;
-             next VGINF; }
-         # Parse the status of the physical disk.
--        elsif( m/^PV Status\s+(.+)/ ) { 
-+        elsif( m/^\s*PV Status\s+(.+)/ ) { 
-             $vghash{$vgn}->{pvols}->{$pvn}->{status} = $1; 
-             next VGINF; }
-     }
-@@ -347,17 +347,17 @@
-     PVINF: foreach(@pvinfo) {
-         # Get the name of the physical volume.
--        if( m/^PV Name\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-+        if( m/^\s*PV Name\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-             $pvhash{pv_name} = $1;
-             next PVINF; }
-         # Get the name of the volume group the physical volume belongs to.
--        if( m/^VG Name\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-+        if( m/^\s*VG Name\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-             $pvhash{vg_name} = $1;
-             next PVINF; }
-         # Get the size information of the physical volume.
--        if( m/^PV Size\s+(\S+) (\S+) \[(\S+) secs\] \/ (.+)/ ) {
-+        if( m/^\s*PV Size\s+(\S+) (\S+) \[(\S+) secs\] \/ (.+)/ ) {
-             $pvhash{size} = $1;
-             $pvhash{size_unit} = $2;
-             $pvhash{sectors} = $3;
-@@ -365,48 +365,48 @@
-             next PVINF; }
-         # Get the physical volume number.
--        if( m/^PV\#\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-+        if( m/^\s*PV\#\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-             $pvhash{pv_number} = $1;
-             next PVINF; }
-         # Get the status of the physical volume.
--        if( m/^PV Status\s+(.+)/ ) {
-+        if( m/^\s*PV Status\s+(.+)/ ) {
-             $pvhash{status} = $1;
-             next PVINF; }
-         # Get the allocation status of the physical volume.
--        if( m/^Allocatable\s+(.+)/ ) {
-+        if( m/^\s*Allocatable\s+(.+)/ ) {
-             $pvhash{allocatable} = $1;
-             next PVINF; }
-         # Get the number of logical volumes on the physical volume.
--        if( m/^Cur LV\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-+        if( m/^\s*Cur LV\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-             $pvhash{num_lvols} = $1;
-             next PVINF; }
-         # Get the physical extent size and unit of the physical volume.
--        if( m/^PE Size \((\S+)\)\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-+        if( m/^\s*PE Size \((\S+)\)\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-             $pvhash{pe_size} = $2;
-             $pvhash{pe_size_unit} = $1;
-             next PVINF; }
-         # Get the total numver of physical extents on the physical volume.
--        if( m/^Total PE\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-+        if( m/^\s*Total PE\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-             $pvhash{total_pe} = $1;
-             next PVINF; }
-         # Get the number of free extents on the physical volume.
--        if( m/^Free PE\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-+        if( m/^\s*Free PE\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-             $pvhash{free_pe} = $1;
-             next PVINF; }
-         # Get the number of allocated physical extents on the physical volume.
--        if( m/^Allocated PE\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-+        if( m/^\s*Allocated PE\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-             $pvhash{alloc_pe} = $1;
-             next PVINF; }
-         # Get the UUID of the physical volume.
--        if( m/^PV UUID\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-+        if( m/^\s*PV UUID\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-             $pvhash{uuid} = $1;
-             next PVINF; }
-     }
-@@ -434,63 +434,63 @@
-     LVINF: foreach(@lvinfo) {
-         # Get the logical volume name.
--        if( m/^LV Name\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-+        if( m/^\s*LV Name\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-             $lvhash{lv_name} = $1;
-             next LVINF; }
-         # Get the volume group name.
--        if( m/^VG Name\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-+        if( m/^\s*VG Name\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-             $lvhash{vg_name} = $1;
-             next LVINF; }
-         # Get the logical volume write status.
--        if( m/^LV Write Access\s+(.+)/ ) {
-+        if( m/^\s*LV Write Access\s+(.+)/ ) {
-             $lvhash{access} = $1;
-             next LVINF; }
-         # Get the logical volume status.
--        if( m/^LV Status\s+(.+)/ ) {
-+        if( m/^\s*LV Status\s+(.+)/ ) {
-             $lvhash{status} = $1;
-             next LVINF; }
-         # Get the logical volume number.
--        if( m/^LV \#\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-+        if( m/^\s*LV \#\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-             $lvhash{lv_number} = $1;
-             next LVINF; }
-         # Get the number of opens for the logical volume.
--        if( m/^\# open\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-+        if( m/^\s*\# open\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-             $lvhash{lv_open} = $1;
-             next LVINF; }
-         # Get the logical volume size and size unit.
--        if( m/^LV Size\s+(\S+) (\S+)/ )  {
-+        if( m/^\s*LV Size\s+(\S+) (\S+)/ )  {
-             $lvhash{size} = $1;
-             $lvhash{size_unit} = $2;
-             next LVINF; }
-         # Get the number of extents assigned to the logical volume.
--        if( m/^Current LE\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-+        if( m/^\s*Current LE\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-             $lvhash{current_le} = $1;
-             next LVINF; }
-         # Get the number of extents allocated to the logical volume.
--        if( m/^Allocated LE\s+(\S+)/ )  {
-+        if( m/^\s*Allocated LE\s+(\S+)/ )  {
-             $lvhash{alloc_le} = $1;
-             next LVINF; }
-         # Get the extent allocation type of the logical volume.
--        if( m/^Allocation\s+(.+)/ ) {
-+        if( m/^\s*Allocation\s+(.+)/ ) {
-             $lvhash{allocation} = $1;
-             next LVINF; }
-         # Get the number of read ahead sectors for the logical volume.
--        if( m/^Read ahead sectors\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-+        if( m/^\s*Read ahead sectors\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-             $lvhash{read_ahead} = $1;
-             next LVINF; }
-         # Get the block device of the logical volume.
--        if( m/^Block device\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-+        if( m/^\s*Block device\s+(\S+)/ ) {
-             $lvhash{block_device} = $1;
-             next LVINF; }
-     }
diff -Nru liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/debian/patches/series liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/debian/patches/series
--- liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/debian/patches/series	2008-08-28 17:14:46.000000000 +0200
+++ liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/debian/patches/series	2008-08-28 17:14:47.000000000 +0200
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff -Nru liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/examples/get_lv_info.pl liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/examples/get_lv_info.pl
--- liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/examples/get_lv_info.pl	2003-04-10 14:45:53.000000000 +0200
+++ liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/examples/get_lv_info.pl	2007-10-25 21:07:24.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 use Linux::LVM;
-%hash = get_lv_info("/dev/vg00/code");
+%hash = get_lv_info("/dev/vg00/software");
 foreach(sort keys %hash) {
     print "$_ = $hash{$_} \n";
diff -Nru liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/examples/get_pv_info.pl liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/examples/get_pv_info.pl
--- liblinux-lvm-perl-0.13/examples/get_pv_info.pl	2003-04-10 14:47:13.000000000 +0200
+++ liblinux-lvm-perl-0.14/examples/get_pv_info.pl	2008-03-02 03:42:47.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
 use Linux::LVM;
+use Data::Dumper;
-%hash = get_pv_info("/dev/hdb");
+%hash = get_pv_info("/dev/hdd1");
+print Dumper(\%hash);
 foreach(sort keys %hash) {
     print "$_ = $hash{$_} \n";

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