Unless I'm mistaken, the enclosed patch could fix this. If this looks
good to RM team, I'd request a freeze exception to upload a new
package with this fix.

On 7/6/08, Martin-Éric Racine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you examine the upstream tarball more closely, you'll notice that
>  those sample scripts are not supported by upstream or by Debian.
>  Instead, they were contributed by third-parties and are included only
>  as a convenience to help users who need to configure cups-pdf for
>  non-default usage cases.

Martin-Éric Racine
--- contrib/SELinux-HOWTO/update-module.orig	2007-05-04 14:47:43.000000000 +0300
+++ contrib/SELinux-HOWTO/update-module	2008-08-13 12:44:21.000000000 +0300
@@ -16,25 +16,25 @@ SEMODULE=`which semodule`
 echo ""
-if [ "x$SELINUXENABLED" == "x" ]; then
+if [ "x$SELINUXENABLED" = "x" ]; then
     echo "Cannot locate executable 'selinuxenabled' (via 'which' command)."
     echo "Script '$0' terminated (exit code 1)."
     exit 1
-if [ x"$GETENFORCE" == "x" ]; then
+if [ x"$GETENFORCE" = "x" ]; then
     echo "Cannot locate executable 'getenforce' (via 'which' command)."
     echo "Script '$0' terminated (exit code 2)."
     exit 2
-if [ x"$GETSEBOOL" == "x" ]; then
+if [ x"$GETSEBOOL" = "x" ]; then
     echo "Cannot locate executable 'getsebool' (via 'which' command)."
     echo "Script '$0' terminated (exit code 3)."
     exit 3
-if [ x"$CHECKMODULE" == "x" ]; then
+if [ x"$CHECKMODULE" = "x" ]; then
     echo "Cannot locate executable 'checkmodule' (via 'which' command)."
     echo "The following command will correct this (re-run this script afterward):"
     echo "$ sudo yum install checkpolicy"
@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ if [ x"$CHECKMODULE" == "x" ]; then
     exit 4
-if [ x"$SEMODULE_PACKAGE" == "x" ]; then
+if [ x"$SEMODULE_PACKAGE" = "x" ]; then
     echo "Cannot locate executable 'semodule_package' (via 'which' command)."
     echo "Script '$0' terminated (exit code 5)."
     exit 5
-if [ x"$SEMODULE" == "x" ]; then
+if [ x"$SEMODULE" = "x" ]; then
     echo "Cannot locate executable 'semodule' (via 'which' command)."
     echo "Script '$0' terminated (exit code 6)."
     exit 6
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ if [ `$GETENFORCE` != "Enforcing" ]; the
     exit 12
-if [ "`$GETSEBOOL cupsd_disable_trans`" == "cupsd_disable_trans --> on" ]; then
+if [ "`$GETSEBOOL cupsd_disable_trans`" = "cupsd_disable_trans --> on" ]; then
     echo "Security policy ignored for cupsd transactions; this script is unnecessary."
     echo "The following command will correct this (re-run this script afterward):"
     echo "$ sudo setsebool -P cupsd_disable_trans 0"

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