On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 10:29:17AM +0100, Neil McGovern wrote: > On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 11:10:21AM +0200, A Mennucc wrote: > And that was the case since 16 Dec 2006?
yes. Read ahead. > Why was this not brought up > sooner, and why has there been zero effort made into resolving this > issue, as far as we can see? You don't see all that has happened. You do not see the many emails I sent to ffmpeg-free mantainers, almost all of them went unanswered (but for one). I can provide you a complete list, if you wish. The other thing you fail to see is that the "ffmpeg transition" was announced on d-devel-announce on 1st July 2007 (yes, that is not a typo!) and is still going on, according to http://packages.qa.debian.org/f/ffmpeg-free.html You do not see the weekends I spent in the last 3 months trying to link mplayer to ffmpeg-free in Debian. Another thing you fail to see is that, each time there was a security bug in MPlayer, I prepared a corrected source in a 48h time max, signed it, and sent an email to the security team telling them where to retrieve the new source. In some cases, I even prepared the correct source before a security alert was issued by CVE. In some cases, moreover, the security team took 1 month (!) to then forward my source into stable-security. Yet another thing you fail to see is that I care for my packages a lot: mplayer is 1191 in the popcon list, and yet I manage to keep its bug count at a reasonable ~40; I regularly upload new versions, and fix as many bugs as I can each time. If I had known in advance that all my time was lost for nothing, I would have gone collecting daises in sunlight instead. a. -- Andrea Mennucc "The EULA sounds like it was written by a team of lawyers who want to tell me what I can't do, and the GPL sounds like it was written by a human being who wants me to know what I can do." Anonymous, http://www.securityfocus.com/columnists/420
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