On Sun, Jun 01, 2008 at 02:41:49AM +0200, Michael Biebl wrote:
> Shachar Or wrote:
> >I'm sorry that I do not know the procedure... I guess that the packager 
> >needs to upload now, or your approval in this matter is required or are we 
> >waiting for the packager to say something?
> Well, if the RMs ack this two line change, I, as co-maintainer of hal, 
> would be willing to prepare a updated package for etch.
> To summarize the issue:
> The hal version in etch doesn't allow to mount ntfs volumes with the 
> uid/gid option set. KDE, by default, passes the uid option to hal, so 
> mounting ntfs volumes from within KDE fails.
> The fix is a rather low impact, two line, fix.

Assuming that this has been sufficiently regression tested, please upload.

<twb> I don't see why anyone would want to "cyber" with a 16yo.  IME none of
        them can spell, and they probably haven't had the relevant experience to
        write convincing prose.  It's not like their ASCII is going to be any 
        supple for them being sixteen.

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