Le lundi 21 janvier 2008 à 15:24 -0500, Ari Pollak a écrit :
> Hi Release Team,
> As far as i can tell, nobody has brought up upgrading the default
> Python to 2.5 as a release goal. Joss outlined the steps necessary for
> the transition here:
> http://people.debian.org/~terpstra/message/20071005.180427.1dddb386.en.html
> and the list of bugs that need to be fixed to work with python as 2.5
> is here: 
> http://people.debian.org/~terpstra/message/20071005.180427.1dddb386.en.html
> I'm sure there are a few people who wouldn't mind overseeing this as a
> release goal. But if you can't find any, I'd be willing to do so.

I strongly second this request.

There have been no moves from the top blockers - being boost and
wxwidgets - and I hope having it set as a release goal will help.

I will try to issue an update on the status of other packages soon.

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