Hello folks,

Because it will cause a removal of mold, I had a look to dwarfutils: https://salsa.debian.org/pkg-llvm-team/dwarfutils/

Given that dwarfutils hasn't been updated in Debian since Sept 2021, it seems that the easier path is to upload a new upstream release in the archive which contains the security fixes.

Now, the bad news is that a lot of symbols have been removed:

(grep for MISSING).

I don't know if they are internal or actually used.

I didn't bump the soname yet.

I see two paths:

* we go the clean way: bump of soname, migration (which should not be too complex given that it is a leaf lib)

* we upload the current version. it will work for dwarfdump but might break other libs (esp outside of Debian)

Please let me know what you would prefer.


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