Your message dated Sat, 1 Mar 2025 11:08:10 +0100
with message-id <>
and subject line Re: Bug#1094017: transition: poppler
has caused the Debian Bug report #1094017,
regarding transition: poppler
to be marked as done.
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--- Begin Message ---
Severity: normal
Control: affects -1 + src:poppler
Usertags: transition
I'd like to update poppler to version 25.01 for Debian 13.
This requires a transition for libraries libpoppler and libpoppler-cpp:
the former gets a SONAME bump with every monthly release, and this time
the -cpp library got bumped too.
I've already checked all rdepends in sid and submitted patches or asked
for packaging new versions of the affected packages which needed source
changes for API differences. This is always handled by #ifdef'ing so
that the same source can compile against either version of the API.
As of today all rdepends from sid can already be binNMU'd except:
* libreoffice: fix is committed in salsa but unreleased
* scribus: there is a new minor version upstream to be packaged: we
would upload this as NMU if the maintainer doesn't in time
* calligra: could not verify the build because it already FTBFS for
different reasons - but it is sid-only so not a blocker
The auto tracker here is correct:
I'm not a maintainer of the poppler package; my point of contact for
help and sponsoring the upload is Jeremy Bícha.
I'm confident we can finish the transition by the transition freeze,
just announced to be 2025-03-15.
Ben file:
title = "poppler";
is_affected = .depends ~ "libpoppler140" | .depends ~ "libpoppler-cpp1"
| .depends ~ "libpoppler145" | .depends ~ "libpoppler-cpp2";
is_good = .depends ~ "libpoppler145" | .depends ~ "libpoppler-cpp2";
is_bad = .depends ~ "libpoppler140" | .depends ~ "libpoppler-cpp1";
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
On 28/02/2025 23:28, Jeremy Bícha wrote:
libpoppler140 is only still in Unstable because libgdal35 is in
Unstable because of mysql-workbench which is unbuildable and also
already has unsatisfiable dependencies (pcre3). Could we manually
remove those libraries to complete this transition?
The transition is complete (closing it as I forgot), as poppler migrated to
testing, and the old library was removed from testing.
As for libpoppler140 still being in unstable, that's, as you say, because there
are packages (only in sid) that still depend on it. You have identified the
chain, but it'd mean removing mysql-workbench from sid, which then would have to
go through NEW, and the maintainers may object, etc. So usually you can just
ignore that cruft. It's listed in [1], fwiw, along with the rest of the "cruft"
in the archive.
I should file a removal bug, right?
Probably not.
--- End Message ---