Your message dated Wed, 26 Feb 2025 05:30:04 +0100
with message-id <>
and subject line Re: Bug#1095511: transition: netcdf
has caused the Debian Bug report #1095511,
regarding transition: netcdf
to be marked as done.

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If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
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--- Begin Message ---
Severity: normal
Control: affects -1 + src:netcdf
Usertags: transition
Control: forwarded -1
Control: block -1 by 1075614 1095471 1095474 1095475 1095478 1094373

NetCDF bumped its SONAME requiring a transition, most rdeps built successfully 
as summarized below.

minc-tools, paraview, and vtk9 fail due to changes in netcdf and have a patch, 
the ncl failure might be unrelated.

v-sim (3.7.2-9) FTBFS due to unrelated reasons. (#1075614)

minc-tools (2.3.00+dfsg-11) FTBFS due to _FillValue being replaced by 
NC_FillValue. (#1095471)

ncl (6.6.2.dfsg.1-10) FTBFS due to missing files. (#1095474)

paraview (5.13.2+dfsg-2) FTBFS due to _FillValue being replaced by 
NC_FillValue. (#1095475)

vtk9 (9.3.0+dfsg1-3) FTBFS due to _FillValue being replaced by NC_FillValue. 

pyferret (7.6.5-8) FTBFS due to unrelated reasons. (#1094373)


Transition: netcdf

 libnetcdf19t64 (1:4.9.2-7+b1) -> libnetcdf22 (1:4.9.3-1~exp1)

The status of the most recent rebuilds is as follows.

 cmor               (3.9.0-1)                OK
 cpptraj            (5.1.0+dfsg-4)           OK
 dx                 (1:4.4.4-18)             OK
 eccodes            (2.39.2-1)               OK
 eztrace            (2.1.1-5)                OK
 eztrace-contrib    (2.1.1-1)                OK
 gdal               (3.10.1+dfsg-1)          OK
 gerris             (20131206+dfsg-21)       OK
 grace              (1:5.1.25-17)            OK
 grads              (3:2.2.1-9)              OK
 gri                (2.12.27-1.2)            OK
 groops             (0+git20240830+ds-1)     OK
 harp               (1.24-2)                 OK
 kst                (2.0.8-6)                OK
 labplot            (2.11.1-1)               OK
 libminc            (2.4.06-2.1)             OK
 libpdl-netcdf-perl (4.25-1)                 OK
 nco                (5.3.2-1)                OK
 ncview             (2.1.11+ds-1)            OK
 netcdf-cxx         (4.3.1-4)                OK
 netcdf-fortran     (4.6.0+really4.5.4+ds-3) OK
 netcdf4-python     (1.7.2-1)                OK
 octave-netcdf      (1.0.18-1)               OK
 pymol              (3.0.0+dfsg-3)           OK
 r-cran-ncdf4       (1.23-1)                 OK
 r-cran-rnetcdf     (2.9-1-1)                OK
 ruby-netcdf        (0.8.0-3)                OK
 v-sim              (3.7.2-9)                FTBFS (#1075614)

 etsf-io            (1.0.4-5)                OK
 ferret-vis         (7.6.0-8)                OK
 gmt                (6.5.0+dfsg-3)           OK
 gnudatalanguage    (1.1-1)                  OK
 grass              (8.4.0-1)                OK
 magics++           (4.15.5-1)               OK
 minc-tools         (2.3.00+dfsg-11)         FTBFS (#1095471) [+]
 ncl                (6.6.2.dfsg.1-10)        FTBFS (#1095474)
 oasis3             (3.mct+dfsg.121022-16)   OK
 paraview           (5.13.2+dfsg-2)          FTBFS (#1095475) [+]
 vtk9               (9.3.0+dfsg1-3)          FTBFS (#1095478) [+]

 camitk             (5.2.0-2)                OK
 cdo                (2.5.0-1)                OK
 lammps             (20240207+dfsg-3)        OK
 metview            (5.23.1-1)               OK
 pyferret           (7.6.5-8)                FTBFS (#1094373)
 qgis               (3.34.15+dfsg-2)         OK

Kind Regards,


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
With the fixed paraview in testing, the old packages have been removed.

Kind Regards,


 GPG Key ID: 4096R/6750F10AE88D4AF1
Fingerprint: 8182 DE41 7056 408D 6146  50D1 6750 F10A E88D 4AF1

--- End Message ---

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