Severity: normal
Tags: bookworm
Control: affects -1 + src:tzdata
Usertags: pu

[ Reason ]
A new upstream version of tzdata, 2025a, has been released with time
zone changes that might affect some of our users.

[ Impact ]
Some users will have the wrong time on their systems.

[ Tests ]
There are no test covering these new upstream changes, but there are
tests in the package to check existing rules are not broken.

[ Risks ]
The risk is quite low, importing new upstream version of tzdata has been
done many times in the past. In addition this new upstream version is in
unstable for 1.5 months without any know issues.

[ Checklist ]
  [x] *all* changes are documented in the d/changelog
  [x] I reviewed all changes and I approve them
  [x] attach debdiff against the package in (old)stable
  [x] the issue is verified as fixed in unstable

[ Changes ]
The new upstream version contains the following changes to past and
future timestamps:
 - Paraguay adopts permanent -03 starting spring 2024
 - No leap second on 2025-06-30

In practice this affects timestamp starting on 2025-03-22.

There have also some minor changes of historical data, all pre-1991.
Among them the adjustment on the Asia/Manila timezone before 6th
September 1899 by 8 seconds causes the postgresql-15 package to FTBFS
and the corresponding autopkgtest to fail. This has been fixed in
version 15.11-0+deb12u1 currently in bookworm-pu. See bug#1093414
(corresponding bug for postgresql-17) for more details.

[ Other info ]
I have already uploaded the package to the archive, thanks for
diff -Nru tzdata-2024b/antarctica tzdata-2025a/antarctica
--- tzdata-2024b/antarctica     2024-04-08 15:16:27.000000000 +0200
+++ tzdata-2025a/antarctica     2024-09-30 22:26:53.000000000 +0200
@@ -174,6 +174,8 @@
 # France & Italy - year-round base
 # Concordia, -750600+1232000, since 2005
+# Can use Asia/Singapore, which it has agreed with since inception.
 # Germany - year-round base
 # Neumayer III, -704080-0081602, since 2009
diff -Nru tzdata-2024b/asia tzdata-2025a/asia
--- tzdata-2024b/asia   2024-07-03 13:17:49.000000000 +0200
+++ tzdata-2025a/asia   2024-11-07 20:06:02.000000000 +0100
@@ -3665,21 +3665,70 @@
 # be immediately followed by 1845-01-01; see R.H. van Gent's
 # History of the International Date Line
-# The rest of the data entries are from Shanks & Pottenger.
-# From Jesper Nørgaard Welen (2006-04-26):
-# ... claims that Philippines had DST last time in 1990:
-# [a story dated 2006-04-25 by Cris Larano of Dow Jones Newswires,
-# but no details]
-# From Paul Eggert (2014-08-14):
-# The following source says DST may be instituted November-January and again
-# March-June, but this is not definite.  It also says DST was last proclaimed
-# during the Ramos administration (1992-1998); but again, no details.
-# Carcamo D. PNoy urged to declare use of daylight saving time.
-# Philippine Star 2014-08-05
+# From P Chan (2021-05-10):
+# Here's a fairly comprehensive article in Japanese:
+# (2021-05-16):
+# According to the references listed in the article,
+# the periods that the Philippines (Manila) observed DST or used +9 are:
+# 1936-10-31 24:00 to 1937-01-15 24:00
+#      (Proclamation No. 104, Proclamation No. 126)
+# 1941-12-15 24:00 to 1945-11-30 24:00
+#      (Proclamation No. 789, Proclamation No. 20)
+# 1954-04-11 24:00 to 1954-06-04 24:00
+#      (Proclamation No. 13, Proclamation No. 33)
+# 1977-03-27 24:00 to 1977-09-21 24:00
+#      (Proclamation No. 1629, Proclamation No. 1641)
+# 1990-05-21 00:00 to 1990-07-28 24:00
+#      (National Emergency Memorandum Order No. 17, Executive Order No. 415)
+# Proclamation No. 104 ... October 30, 1936
+# Proclamation No. 126 ... January 15, 1937
+# Proclamation No. 789 ... December 13, 1941
+# Proclamation No. 20 ... November 11, 1945
+# Proclamation No. 13 ... April 6, 1954
+# Proclamation No. 33 ... June 3, 1954
+# Proclamation No. 1629 ... March 25, 1977
+# Proclamation No. 1641 ...May 26, 1977
+# National Emergency Memorandum Order No. 17 ... May 2, 1990
+# Executive Order No. 415 ... July 20, 1990
+# During WWII, Proclamation No. 789 fixed two periods of DST. The first period
+# was set to continue only until January 31, 1942. But Manila was occupied by
+# the Japanese earlier in the month....
+# For the date of the adoption of standard time, Shank[s] gives 1899-05-11.
+# The article is not able to state the basis of that. I guess it was based on
+# a US War Department Circular issued on that date.
+# However, according to other sources, standard time was adopted on
+# 1899-09-06.  Also, the LMT was GMT+8:03:52
+# From Paul Eggert (2024-09-05):
+# The penultimate URL in P Chan's email refers to page 521 of
+# Selga M, The Time Service in the Philippines.
+# Proc Pan-Pacific Science Congress. Vol. 1 (1923), 519-532.
+# It says, "The change from the meridian 120° 58' 04" to the 120th implied a
+# change of 3 min. 52s.26 in time; consequently on 6th September, 1899,
+# Manila Observatory gave the noon signal 3 min. 52s.26 later than before".
+# Wikipedia says the US declared Manila liberated on March 4, 1945;
+# this doesn't affect clocks, just our time zone abbreviation and DST flag.
 # From Paul Goyette (2018-06-15) with URLs updated by Guy Harris (2024-02-15):
 # In the Philippines, there is a national law, Republic Act No. 10535
@@ -3697,24 +3746,26 @@
 # influence of the sources.  There is no current abbreviation for DST,
 # so use "PDT", the usual American style.
-# From P Chan (2021-05-10):
-# Here's a fairly comprehensive article in Japanese:
-# From Paul Eggert (2021-05-10):
-# The info in the Japanese table has not been absorbed (yet) below.
 # Rule NAME    FROM    TO      -       IN      ON      AT      SAVE    LETTER/S
-Rule   Phil    1936    only    -       Nov     1       0:00    1:00    D
-Rule   Phil    1937    only    -       Feb     1       0:00    0       S
-Rule   Phil    1954    only    -       Apr     12      0:00    1:00    D
-Rule   Phil    1954    only    -       Jul     1       0:00    0       S
-Rule   Phil    1978    only    -       Mar     22      0:00    1:00    D
-Rule   Phil    1978    only    -       Sep     21      0:00    0       S
+Rule   Phil    1936    only    -       Oct     31      24:00   1:00    D
+Rule   Phil    1937    only    -       Jan     15      24:00   0       S
+Rule   Phil    1941    only    -       Dec     15      24:00   1:00    D
+# The following three rules were canceled by Japan:
+#Rule  Phil    1942    only    -       Jan     31      24:00   0       S
+#Rule  Phil    1942    only    -       Mar      1       0:00   1:00    D
+#Rule  Phil    1942    only    -       Jun     30      24:00   0       S
+Rule   Phil    1945    only    -       Nov     30      24:00   0       S
+Rule   Phil    1954    only    -       Apr     11      24:00   1:00    D
+Rule   Phil    1954    only    -       Jun      4      24:00   0       S
+Rule   Phil    1977    only    -       Mar     27      24:00   1:00    D
+Rule   Phil    1977    only    -       Sep     21      24:00   0       S
+Rule   Phil    1990    only    -       May     21       0:00   1:00    D
+Rule   Phil    1990    only    -       Jul     28      24:00   0       S
 # Zone NAME            STDOFF  RULES   FORMAT  [UNTIL]
-Zone   Asia/Manila     -15:56:00 -     LMT     1844 Dec 31
-                       8:04:00 -       LMT     1899 May 11
-                       8:00    Phil    P%sT    1942 May
-                       9:00    -       JST     1944 Nov
+Zone   Asia/Manila     -15:56:08 -     LMT     1844 Dec 31
+                       8:03:52 -       LMT     1899 Sep  6  4:00u
+                       8:00    Phil    P%sT    1942 Feb 11 24:00
+                       9:00    -       JST     1945 Mar  4
                        8:00    Phil    P%sT
 # Bahrain
diff -Nru tzdata-2024b/australasia tzdata-2025a/australasia
--- tzdata-2024b/australasia    2024-04-08 15:16:27.000000000 +0200
+++ tzdata-2025a/australasia    2024-11-22 15:12:42.000000000 +0100
@@ -1239,10 +1239,10 @@
 # The 1992 ending date used in the rules is a best guess;
 # it matches what was used in the past.
-# The Australian Bureau of Meteorology FAQ
-# (1999-09-27) writes that Giles Meteorological Station uses
-# South Australian time even though it's located in Western Australia.
+# From Christopher Hunt (2006-11-21), after an advance warning
+# from Jesper Nørgaard Welen (2006-11-01):
+# WA are trialing DST for three years.
 # From Paul Eggert (2018-04-01):
 # The Guardian Express of Perth, Australia reported today that the
@@ -1254,54 +1254,10 @@
 # [The article ends with "Today's date is April 1."]
-# Queensland
-# From Paul Eggert (2018-02-26):
-# I lack access to the following source for Queensland DST:
-# Pearce C. History of daylight saving time in Queensland.
-# Queensland Hist J. 2017 Aug;23(6):389-403
-# From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (1991-03-06):
-# #   The state of QUEENSLAND.. [ Courtesy Qld. Dept Premier Econ&Trade Devel ]
-# #                                            [ Dec 1990 ]
-# ...
-# Zone Australia/Queensland    10:00   AQ      %sST
-# ...
-# Rule AQ      1971    only    -       Oct     lastSun 2:00    1:00    D
-# Rule AQ      1972    only    -       Feb     lastSun 3:00    0       E
-# Rule AQ      1989    max     -       Oct     lastSun 2:00    1:00    D
-# Rule AQ      1990    max     -       Mar     Sun>=1  3:00    0       E
-# From Bradley White (1989-12-24):
-# "Australia/Queensland" now observes daylight time (i.e. from
-# October 1989).
-# From Bradley White (1991-03-04):
-# A recent excerpt from an Australian newspaper...
-# ...Queensland...[has] agreed to end daylight saving
-# at 3am tomorrow (March 3)...
-# From John Mackin (1991-03-06):
-# I can certainly confirm for my part that Daylight Saving in NSW did in fact
-# end on Sunday, 3 March.  I don't know at what hour, though.  (It surprised
-# me.)
-# From Bradley White (1992-03-08):
-# ...there was recently a referendum in Queensland which resulted
-# in the experimental daylight saving system being abandoned. So, ...
-# ...
-# Rule QLD     1989    1991    -       Oct     lastSun 2:00    1:00    D
-# Rule QLD     1990    1992    -       Mar     Sun>=1  3:00    0       S
-# ...
-# From Arthur David Olson (1992-03-08):
-# The chosen rules the union of the 1971/1972 change and the 1989-1992 changes.
-# From Christopher Hunt (2006-11-21), after an advance warning
-# from Jesper Nørgaard Welen (2006-11-01):
-# WA are trialing DST for three years.
+# The Australian Bureau of Meteorology FAQ
+# (1999-09-27) writes that Giles Meteorological Station uses
+# South Australian time even though it's located in Western Australia.
 # From Rives McDow (2002-04-09):
 # The most interesting region I have found consists of three towns on the
@@ -1359,6 +1315,59 @@
 # For lack of better info, assume the tradition dates back to the
 # introduction of standard time in 1895.
+# From Stuart Bishop (2024-11-12):
+# An article discussing the in-use but technically unofficial timezones
+# in the Western Australian portion of the Nullarbor Plain.
+# From Paul Eggert (2024-11-12):
+# As the article says, the Eyre Bird Observatory and nearby sheep stations
+# can use Tokyo time.  Other possibilities include Asia/Chita, Asia/Seoul,
+# and Asia/Jayapura.
+# Queensland
+# From Paul Eggert (2018-02-26):
+# I lack access to the following source for Queensland DST:
+# Pearce C. History of daylight saving time in Queensland.
+# Queensland Hist J. 2017 Aug;23(6):389-403
+# From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (1991-03-06):
+# #   The state of QUEENSLAND.. [ Courtesy Qld. Dept Premier Econ&Trade Devel ]
+# #                                            [ Dec 1990 ]
+# ...
+# Zone Australia/Queensland    10:00   AQ      %sST
+# ...
+# Rule AQ      1971    only    -       Oct     lastSun 2:00    1:00    D
+# Rule AQ      1972    only    -       Feb     lastSun 3:00    0       E
+# Rule AQ      1989    max     -       Oct     lastSun 2:00    1:00    D
+# Rule AQ      1990    max     -       Mar     Sun>=1  3:00    0       E
+# From Bradley White (1989-12-24):
+# "Australia/Queensland" now observes daylight time (i.e. from
+# October 1989).
+# From Bradley White (1991-03-04):
+# A recent excerpt from an Australian newspaper...
+# ...Queensland...[has] agreed to end daylight saving
+# at 3am tomorrow (March 3)...
+# From John Mackin (1991-03-06):
+# I can certainly confirm for my part that Daylight Saving in NSW did in fact
+# end on Sunday, 3 March.  I don't know at what hour, though.  (It surprised
+# me.)
+# From Bradley White (1992-03-08):
+# ...there was recently a referendum in Queensland which resulted
+# in the experimental daylight saving system being abandoned. So, ...
+# ...
+# Rule QLD     1989    1991    -       Oct     lastSun 2:00    1:00    D
+# Rule QLD     1990    1992    -       Mar     Sun>=1  3:00    0       S
+# ...
+# From Arthur David Olson (1992-03-08):
+# The chosen rules the union of the 1971/1972 change and the 1989-1992 changes.
 # southeast Australia
diff -Nru tzdata-2024b/checknow.awk tzdata-2025a/checknow.awk
--- tzdata-2024b/checknow.awk   2024-06-01 13:24:34.000000000 +0200
+++ tzdata-2025a/checknow.awk   2024-12-06 21:07:46.000000000 +0100
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 END {
  for (zone in zone_data) {
     data = zone_data[zone]
-    if (!zonenow[data]) {
+    if (data && !zonenow[data]) {
       printf "Zone table should have one of:%s\n", zones[data]
       zonenow[data] = zone # This suppresses duplicate diagnostics.
       status = 1
diff -Nru tzdata-2024b/checktab.awk tzdata-2025a/checktab.awk
--- tzdata-2024b/checktab.awk   2023-12-19 00:25:06.000000000 +0100
+++ tzdata-2025a/checktab.awk   2024-11-25 22:06:28.000000000 +0100
@@ -9,6 +9,19 @@
        if (!zone_table) zone_table = ""
        if (!want_warnings) want_warnings = -1
+       monthabbr["Jan"] = 1
+       monthabbr["Feb"] = 1
+       monthabbr["Mar"] = 1
+       monthabbr["Apr"] = 1
+       monthabbr["May"] = 1
+       monthabbr["Jun"] = 1
+       monthabbr["Jul"] = 1
+       monthabbr["Aug"] = 1
+       monthabbr["Sep"] = 1
+       monthabbr["Oct"] = 1
+       monthabbr["Nov"] = 1
+       monthabbr["Dec"] = 1
        while (getline <iso_table) {
                if ($0 ~ /^#/) continue
@@ -65,6 +78,12 @@
                split(ccs, cca, /,/)
                cc = cca[1]
+               if (tztab[tz]) {
+                 printf "%s:%d: %s: duplicate Zone from line %d\n", \
+                   zone_table, zone_NR, tz, tz2NR[tz]
+                 status = 1
+               }
                # Don't complain about a special case for Crimea in
                # FIXME: should be removed, since it is obsolete.
                # Or at least put just "XX" in its country-code column.
@@ -128,12 +147,14 @@
 $1 ~ /^#/ { next }
-       tz = rules = ""
+       tz = rules = stdoff = ""
        if ($1 == "Zone") {
                tz = $2
+               stdoff = $3
                ruleUsed[$4] = 1
                if ($5 ~ /%/) rulePercentUsed[$4] = 1
-       } else if ($1 == "Link" && zone_table == "") {
+       } else if ($1 == "Link") {
+           if (zone_table == "") {
                # Ignore Link commands if source and destination basenames
                # are identical, e.g. Europe/Istanbul versus Asia/Istanbul.
                src = $2
@@ -141,13 +162,27 @@
                while ((i = index(src, "/"))) src = substr(src, i+1)
                while ((i = index(dst, "/"))) dst = substr(dst, i+1)
                if (src != dst) tz = $3
+           }
        } else if ($1 == "Rule") {
                ruleDefined[$2] = 1
                if ($10 != "-") ruleLetters[$2] = 1
+               if (!monthabbr[$6]) {
+                 printf "%s:%d: tricky month: %s\n", FILENAME, FNR, $6 \
+                         >>"/dev/stderr"
+                 status = 1
+               }
        } else {
+               stdoff = $1
                ruleUsed[$2] = 1
                if ($3 ~ /%/) rulePercentUsed[$2] = 1
+       if (stdoff && stdoff !~ /^\-?1?[0-9](:[0-5][0-9](:[0-5][0-9])?)?$/) {
+               printf "%s:%d: unlikely STDOFF: %s\n", FILENAME, FNR, stdoff \
+                       >>"/dev/stderr"
+               status = 1
+       }
        if (tz && tz ~ /\// && tz !~ /^Etc\//) {
                if (!tztab[tz] && FILENAME != "backward" \
                    && zone_table != "") {
diff -Nru tzdata-2024b/debian/changelog tzdata-2025a/debian/changelog
--- tzdata-2024b/debian/changelog       2024-11-23 15:04:31.000000000 +0100
+++ tzdata-2025a/debian/changelog       2025-02-25 10:56:34.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+tzdata (2025a-0+deb12u1) bookworm; urgency=medium
+  * New upstream version 2025a
+    - Paraguay adopts permanent -03 starting spring 2024
+    - No leap second on 2025-06-30
+ -- Aurelien Jarno <>  Tue, 25 Feb 2025 10:56:34 +0100
 tzdata (2024b-0+deb12u1) bookworm; urgency=medium
   * New upstream version 2024b
diff -Nru tzdata-2024b/etcetera tzdata-2025a/etcetera
--- tzdata-2024b/etcetera       2024-06-12 15:41:51.000000000 +0200
+++ tzdata-2025a/etcetera       2024-12-08 13:52:41.000000000 +0100
@@ -51,6 +51,10 @@
 # so we moved the names into the Etc subdirectory.
 # Also, the time zone abbreviations are now compatible with %z.
+# There is no "Etc/Unknown" entry, as CLDR says that "Etc/Unknown"
+# corresponds to an unknown or invalid time zone, and things would get
+# confusing if Etc/Unknown were made valid here.
 Zone   Etc/GMT-14      14      -       %z
 Zone   Etc/GMT-13      13      -       %z
 Zone   Etc/GMT-12      12      -       %z
diff -Nru tzdata-2024b/europe tzdata-2025a/europe
--- tzdata-2024b/europe 2024-07-02 01:02:28.000000000 +0200
+++ tzdata-2025a/europe 2024-11-07 19:49:20.000000000 +0100
@@ -1147,7 +1147,7 @@
 # However, Greenland will change to Daylight Saving Time again in 2024
 # and onwards.
-# From a contributor who wishes to remain anonymous for now (2023-10-29):
+# From Jule Dabars (2023-10-29):
 # with a link to that page:
diff -Nru tzdata-2024b/factory tzdata-2025a/factory
--- tzdata-2024b/factory        2019-06-17 02:02:41.000000000 +0200
+++ tzdata-2025a/factory        2024-12-08 13:52:41.000000000 +0100
@@ -8,5 +8,15 @@
 # time zone abbreviation "-00", indicating that the actual time zone
 # is unknown.
+# TZ="Factory" was added to TZDB in 1989, and in 2016 its abbreviation
+# was changed to "-00" from a longish English-language error message.
+# Around 2010, CLDR added "Etc/Unknown" for use with TZDB, to stand
+# for an unknown or invalid time zone.  These two notions differ:
+# TZ="Factory" is a valid timezone, so tzalloc("Factory") succeeds, whereas
+# TZ="Etc/Unknown" is invalid and tzalloc("Etc/Unknown") fails.
+# Also, a downstream distributor could modify Factory to be a
+# default timezone suitable for the devices it manufactures,
+# whereas that cannot happen for Etc/Unknown.
 Zone   Factory 0       -       -00
diff -Nru tzdata-2024b/leapseconds tzdata-2025a/leapseconds
--- tzdata-2024b/leapseconds    2024-07-29 21:19:41.000000000 +0200
+++ tzdata-2025a/leapseconds    2025-01-07 12:46:35.000000000 +0100
@@ -69,11 +69,11 @@
 # Any additional leap seconds will come after this.
 # This Expires line is commented out for now,
 # so that pre-2020a zic implementations do not reject this file.
-#Expires 2025  Jun     28      00:00:00
+#Expires 2025  Dec     28      00:00:00
 # POSIX timestamps for the data in this file:
-#updated 1720104763 (2024-07-04 14:52:43 UTC)
-#expires 1751068800 (2025-06-28 00:00:00 UTC)
+#updated 1736208000 (2025-01-07 00:00:00 UTC)
+#expires 1766880000 (2025-12-28 00:00:00 UTC)
 #      Updated through IERS Bulletin C 
-#      File expires on 28 June 2025
+#      File expires on 28 December 2025
diff -Nru tzdata-2024b/leap-seconds.list tzdata-2025a/leap-seconds.list
--- tzdata-2024b/leap-seconds.list      2024-07-29 21:19:40.000000000 +0200
+++ tzdata-2025a/leap-seconds.list      2025-01-07 12:46:34.000000000 +0100
@@ -60,15 +60,15 @@
 #      The following line shows the last update of this file in NTP timestamp:
-#$     3929093563
+#$     3945196800
 #      2) Expiration date of the file given on a semi-annual basis: last June 
or last December
-#      File expires on 28 June 2025
+#      File expires on 28 December 2025
 #      Expire date in NTP timestamp:
-#@     3960057600
+#@     3975868800
@@ -117,4 +117,4 @@
 #      please see the readme file in the 'source' directory :
-#h     be738595 57b0cf1b b0218343 fb77062f 5a775e7
+#h     848434d5 570f7ea8 d79ba227 a00fc821 f608e2d4
diff -Nru tzdata-2024b/Makefile tzdata-2025a/Makefile
--- tzdata-2024b/Makefile       2024-06-16 00:43:45.000000000 +0200
+++ tzdata-2025a/Makefile       2025-01-09 23:48:19.000000000 +0100
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
 # What kind of TZif data files to generate.  (TZif is the binary time
-# zone data format that zic generates; see Internet RFC 8536.)
+# zone data format that zic generates; see Internet RFC 9636.)
 # If you want only POSIX time, with time values interpreted as
 # seconds since the epoch (not counting leap seconds), use
 #      REDO=           posix_only
@@ -255,6 +255,7 @@
 #  -DHAVE_UNISTD_H=0 if <unistd.h> does not work*
 #  -DHAVE_UTMPX_H=0 if <utmpx.h> does not work*
 #  -Dlocale_t=XXX if your system uses XXX instead of locale_t
+#  -DMKTIME_MIGHT_OVERFLOW if mktime might fail due to time_t overflow
 #  -DPORT_TO_C89 if tzcode should also run on mostly-C89 platforms+
 #      Typically it is better to use a later standard.  For example,
 #      with GCC 4.9.4 (2016), prefer '-std=gnu11' to '-DPORT_TO_C89'.
@@ -262,7 +263,7 @@
 #      feature (integers at least 64 bits wide) and maybe more.
 #  -DRESERVE_STD_EXT_IDS if your platform reserves standard identifiers
 #      with external linkage, e.g., applications cannot define 'localtime'.
-#  -Dssize_t=long on hosts like MS-Windows that lack ssize_t
+#  -Dssize_t=int on hosts like MS-Windows that lack ssize_t
 #  -DSUPPORT_C89=0 if the tzcode library should not support C89 callers
 #      Although -DSUPPORT_C89=0 might work around latent bugs in callers,
 #      it does not conform to POSIX.
@@ -285,7 +286,7 @@
 #      This mishandles some past timestamps, as US DST rules have changed.
 #      It also mishandles settings like TZ='EET-2EEST' for eastern Europe,
 #      as Europe and US DST rules differ.
-#  -DTZNAME_MAXIMUM=N to limit time zone abbreviations to N bytes (default 255)
+#  -DTZNAME_MAXIMUM=N to limit time zone abbreviations to N bytes (default 254)
 #  -DUNINIT_TRAP if reading uninitialized storage can cause problems
 #      other than simply getting garbage data
 #  -DUSE_LTZ=0 to build zdump with the system time zone library
@@ -319,7 +320,8 @@
   -Wall -Wextra \
   -Walloc-size-larger-than=100000 -Warray-bounds=2 \
-  -Wbad-function-cast -Wbidi-chars=any,ucn -Wcast-align=strict -Wdate-time \
+  -Wbad-function-cast -Wbidi-chars=any,ucn -Wcast-align=strict -Wcast-qual \
+  -Wdate-time \
   -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wdouble-promotion \
   -Wduplicated-branches -Wduplicated-cond -Wflex-array-member-not-at-end \
   -Wformat=2 -Wformat-overflow=2 -Wformat-signedness -Wformat-truncation \
@@ -336,7 +338,7 @@
   -Wsuggest-attribute=noreturn -Wsuggest-attribute=pure \
   -Wtrampolines -Wundef -Wunused-macros -Wuse-after-free=3 \
   -Wvariadic-macros -Wvla -Wwrite-strings \
-  -Wno-format-nonliteral -Wno-sign-compare
+  -Wno-format-nonliteral -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-type-limits
 # If your system has a "GMT offset" field in its "struct tm"s
 # (or if you decide to add such a field in your system's "time.h" file),
@@ -614,8 +616,8 @@
 TZS=           to$(TZS_YEAR).tzs
 TZS_NEW=       to$(TZS_YEAR)new.tzs
-TZS_DEPS=      $(YDATA) asctime.c localtime.c \
-                       private.h tzfile.h zdump.c zic.c
+TZS_DEPS=      $(YDATA) localtime.c private.h \
+                       strftime.c tzfile.h zdump.c zic.c
 # EIGHT_YARDS is just a yard short of the whole ENCHILADA.
@@ -855,10 +857,10 @@
                chmod +x $@.out
                mv $@.out $@
-check: check_mild
+check: check_mild
 check_mild: check_web check_zishrink \ \
- \
+ \
 # True if UTF8_LOCALE does not work;
@@ -1103,7 +1105,7 @@
                   touch -md @1 test.out; then \
                  rm -f test.out && \
                  for file in $$files; do \
-                   if git diff --quiet $$file; then \
+                   if git diff --quiet HEAD $$file; then \
                      time=$$(TZ=UTC0 git log -1 \
                        --format='tformat:%cd' \
                        --date='format:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' \
@@ -1354,13 +1356,13 @@
 zonenames:     tzdata.zi
                @$(AWK) '/^Z/ { print $$2 } /^L/ { print $$3 }' tzdata.zi
-asctime.o:     private.h tzfile.h
+asctime.o:     private.h
 date.o:                private.h
 difftime.o:    private.h
-localtime.o:   private.h tzfile.h tzdir.h
-strftime.o:    private.h tzfile.h
-zdump.o:       version.h
-zic.o:         private.h tzfile.h tzdir.h version.h
+localtime.o:   private.h tzdir.h tzfile.h
+strftime.o:    localtime.c private.h tzdir.h tzfile.h
+zdump.o:       private.h version.h
+zic.o:         private.h tzdir.h tzfile.h version.h
 .PHONY: check check_mild check_time_t_alternatives
diff -Nru tzdata-2024b/NEWS tzdata-2025a/NEWS
--- tzdata-2024b/NEWS   2024-09-04 14:29:18.000000000 +0200
+++ tzdata-2025a/NEWS   2025-01-15 11:48:56.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,83 @@
 News for the tz database
+Release 2025a - 2025-01-15 10:47:24 -0800
+  Briefly:
+    Paraguay adopts permanent -03 starting spring 2024.
+    Improve pre-1991 data for the Philippines.
+    Etc/Unknown is now reserved.
+  Changes to future timestamps
+    Paraguay will stop changing its clocks after the spring-forward
+    transition on 2024-10-06, so it is now permanently at -03.
+    (Thanks to Heitor David Pinto and Even Scharning.)
+    This affects timestamps starting 2025-03-22, as well as the
+    obsolescent tm_isdst flags starting 2024-10-15.
+  Changes to past timestamps
+    Correct timestamps for the Philippines before 1900, and from 1937
+    through 1990.  (Thanks to P Chan for the heads-up and citations.)
+    This includes adjusting local mean time before 1899; fixing
+    transitions in September 1899, January 1937, and June 1954; adding
+    transitions in December 1941, November 1945, March and September
+    1977, and May and July 1990; and removing incorrect transitions in
+    March and September 1978.
+  Changes to data
+    Add lines for the Concordia and Eyre Bird Observatory
+    research stations.  (Thanks to Derick Rethans and Jule Dabars.)
+  Changes to code
+    strftime %s now generates the correct numeric string even when the
+    represented number does not fit into time_t.  This is better than
+    generating the numeric equivalent of (time_t) -1, as strftime did
+    in TZDB releases 96a (when %s was introduced) through 2020a and in
+    releases 2022b through 2024b.  It is also better than failing and
+    returning 0, as strftime did in releases 2020b through 2022a.
+    strftime now outputs an invalid conversion specifier as-is,
+    instead of eliding the leading '%', which confused debugging.
+    An invalid TZ now generates the time zone abbreviation "-00", not
+    "UTC", to help the user see that an error has occurred.  (Thanks
+    to Arthur David Olson for suggesting a "wrong result".)
+    mktime and timeoff no longer incorrectly fail merely because a
+    struct tm component near INT_MIN or INT_MAX overflows when a
+    lower-order component carries into it.
+    TZNAME_MAXIMUM, the maximum number of bytes in a proleptic TZ
+    string's time zone abbreviation, now defaults to 254 not 255.
+    This helps reduce the size of internal state from 25480 to 21384
+    on common platforms.  This change should not be a problem, as
+    nobody uses such long "abbreviations" and the longstanding tzcode
+    maximum was 16 until release 2023a.  For those who prefer no
+    arbitrary limits, you can now specify TZNAME_MAXIMUM values up to
+    PTRDIFF_MAX, a limit forced by C anyway; formerly tzcode silently
+    misbehaved unless TZNAME_MAXIMUM was less than INT_MAX.
+    tzset and related functions no longer leak a file descriptor if
+    another thread forks or execs at about the same time and if the
+    platform has O_CLOFORK and O_CLOEXEC respectively.  Also, the
+    functions no longer let a TZif file become a controlling terminal.
+    'zdump -' now reads TZif data from /dev/stdin.
+    (From a question by Arthur David Olson.)
+  Changes to documentation
+    The name Etc/Unknown is now reserved: it will not be used by TZDB.
+    This is for compatibility with CLDR, which uses the string
+    "Etc/Unknown" for an unknown or invalid timezone.  (Thanks to
+    Justin Grant, Mark Davis, and Guy Harris.)
+    Cite Internet RFC 9636, which obsoletes RFC 8536 for TZif format.
 Release 2024b - 2024-09-04 12:27:47 -0700
@@ -116,7 +194,7 @@
   Changes to commentary
     Commentary about historical transitions in Portugal and her former
-    colonies has been expanded with links to many relevant legislation.
+    colonies has been expanded with links to relevant legislation.
     (Thanks to Tim Parenti.)
@@ -204,10 +282,10 @@
     changing its time zone from -01/+00 to -02/-01 at the same moment
     as the spring-forward transition.  Its clocks will therefore not
     spring forward as previously scheduled.  The time zone change
-    reverts to its common practice before 1981.
+    reverts to its common practice before 1981.  (Thanks to Jule Dabars.)
     Fix predictions for DST transitions in Palestine in 2072-2075,
-    correcting a typo introduced in 2023a.
+    correcting a typo introduced in 2023a.  (Thanks to Jule Dabars.)
   Changes to past and future timestamps
diff -Nru tzdata-2024b/northamerica tzdata-2025a/northamerica
--- tzdata-2024b/northamerica   2024-08-18 21:57:15.000000000 +0200
+++ tzdata-2025a/northamerica   2024-11-18 22:10:28.000000000 +0100
@@ -27,9 +27,12 @@
 # in New York City (1869-10).  His 1870 proposal was based on Washington, DC,
 # but in 1872-05 he moved the proposed origin to Greenwich.
-# From Paul Eggert (2018-03-20):
+# From Paul Eggert (2024-11-18):
 # Dowd's proposal left many details unresolved, such as where to draw
-# lines between time zones.  The key individual who made time zones
+# lines between time zones.  Sandford Fleming of the Canadian Pacific Railway
+# argued for Dowd's proposal in 1876, and Cleveland Abbe of the American
+# Meteorology Society published a report in 1879 recommending four US time
+# zones based on GMT.  However, the key individual who made time zones
 # work in the US was William Frederick Allen - railway engineer,
 # managing editor of the Travelers' Guide, and secretary of the
 # General Time Convention, a railway standardization group.  Allen
@@ -2631,7 +2634,7 @@
 # Rule NAME    FROM    TO      -       IN      ON      AT      SAVE    LETTER/S
-Rule   Mexico  1931    only    -       April   30      0:00    1:00    D
+Rule   Mexico  1931    only    -       Apr     30      0:00    1:00    D
 Rule   Mexico  1931    only    -       Oct     1       0:00    0       S
 Rule   Mexico  1939    only    -       Feb     5       0:00    1:00    D
 Rule   Mexico  1939    only    -       Jun     25      0:00    0       S
diff -Nru tzdata-2024b/southamerica tzdata-2025a/southamerica
--- tzdata-2024b/southamerica   2024-04-08 15:16:27.000000000 +0200
+++ tzdata-2025a/southamerica   2024-10-15 10:13:38.000000000 +0200
@@ -1687,7 +1687,7 @@
 # and that on the first Sunday of the month of October, it is to be set
 # forward 60 minutes, in all the territory of the Paraguayan Republic.
 # ...
-Rule   Para    2010    max     -       Oct     Sun>=1  0:00    1:00    -
+Rule   Para    2010    2024    -       Oct     Sun>=1  0:00    1:00    -
 Rule   Para    2010    2012    -       Apr     Sun>=8  0:00    0       -
 # From Steffen Thorsen (2013-03-07):
@@ -1706,14 +1706,35 @@
 # From Carlos Raúl Perasso (2023-07-27):
-Rule   Para    2013    max     -       Mar     Sun>=22 0:00    0       -
+Rule   Para    2013    2024    -       Mar     Sun>=22 0:00    0       -
+# From Heitor David Pinto (2024-09-24):
+# Today the Congress of Paraguay passed a bill to observe UTC-3 permanently....
+# The text of the bill says that it would enter into force on the first
+# Sunday in October 2024, the same date currently scheduled to start DST....
+# (2024-10-14):
+# The president approved the law on 11 October 2024,
+# and it was officially published on 14 October 2024.
+# The text of the law says that it enters into force on the first
+# Sunday in October 2024 (6 October 2024).  But the constitution
+# prohibits retroactive effect, and the civil code says that laws
+# enter into force on the day after their publication or on the day
+# that they specify, and it also says that they don't have retroactive
+# effect.  So I think that the time change on 6 October 2024 should
+# still be considered as DST according to the previous law, and
+# permanently UTC-3 from 15 October 2024 according to the new law....
 # Zone NAME            STDOFF  RULES   FORMAT  [UNTIL]
 Zone America/Asuncion  -3:50:40 -      LMT     1890
                        -3:50:40 -      AMT     1931 Oct 10 # Asunción Mean Time
                        -4:00   -       %z      1972 Oct
                        -3:00   -       %z      1974 Apr
-                       -4:00   Para    %z
+                       -4:00   Para    %z      2024 Oct 15
+                       -3:00   -       %z
 # Peru
diff -Nru tzdata-2024b/theory.html tzdata-2025a/theory.html
--- tzdata-2024b/theory.html    2024-08-01 00:26:13.000000000 +0200
+++ tzdata-2025a/theory.html    2024-12-27 17:14:41.000000000 +0100
@@ -123,8 +123,9 @@
 locate the user on a timezone map or prioritize names that are
 geographically close. For an example selection interface, see the
 <code>tzselect</code> program in the <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> code.
-The <a href="";>Unicode Common Locale Data
-Repository</a> contains data that may be useful for other selection
+Unicode's <a href="";>Common Locale Data
+Repository (<abbr>CLDR</abbr>)</a>
+contains data that may be useful for other selection
 interfaces; it maps timezone names like <code>Europe/Prague</code> to
 locale-dependent strings like "Prague", "Praha", "Прага", and "布拉格".
@@ -200,6 +201,8 @@
     A name must not be empty, or contain '<code>//</code>', or
     start or end with '<code>/</code>'.
+    Also, a name must not be '<code>Etc/Unknown</code>', as
+    <abbr>CLDR</abbr> uses that string for an unknown or invalid timezone.
     Do not use names that differ only in case.
@@ -220,10 +223,18 @@
     do not need locations, since local time is not defined there.
-    If all the clocks in a timezone have agreed since 1970,
-    do not bother to include more than one timezone
-    even if some of the clocks disagreed before 1970.
+    If all clocks in a region have agreed since 1970,
+    give them just one name even if some of the clocks disagreed before 1970,
+    or reside in different countries or in notable or faraway locations.
     Otherwise these tables would become annoyingly large.
+    For example, do not create a name <code>Indian/Crozet</code>
+    as a near-duplicate or alias of <code>Asia/Dubai</code>
+    merely because they are different countries or territories,
+    or their clocks disagreed before 1970, or the
+    <a href="";>Crozet Islands</a>
+    are notable in their own right,
+    or the Crozet Islands are not adjacent to other locations
+    that use <code>Asia/Dubai</code>.
     If boundaries between regions are fluid, such as during a war or
@@ -579,10 +590,10 @@
     locations while uninhabited.
     The leading '<code>-</code>' is a flag that the <abbr>UT</abbr> offset is 
     some sense undefined; this notation is derived
-    from <a href="";>Internet
+    from <a href="";>Internet
     <abbr title="Request For Comments">RFC</abbr> 3339</a>.
     (The abbreviation 'Z' that
-    <a href="";>Internet
+    <a href="";>Internet
     <abbr>RFC</abbr> 9557</a> uses for this concept
     would violate the POSIX requirement
     of at least three characters in an abbreviation.)
@@ -1115,8 +1126,8 @@
     the name of a file from which time-related information is read.
     The file's format is <dfn><abbr>TZif</abbr></dfn>,
     a timezone information format that contains binary data; see
-    <a href="";>Internet
-    <abbr>RFC</abbr> 8536</a>.
+    <a href="";>Internet
+    <abbr>RFC</abbr> 9636</a>.
     The daylight saving time rules to be used for a
     particular timezone are encoded in the
     <abbr>TZif</abbr> file; the format of the file allows <abbr>US</abbr>,
@@ -1201,12 +1212,15 @@
     The <code>tm_isdst</code> member is almost never needed and most of
     its uses should be discouraged in favor of the abovementioned
+    It was intended as an index into the <code>tzname</code> variable,
+    but as mentioned previously that usage is obsolete.
     Although it can still be used in arguments to
     <code>mktime</code> to disambiguate timestamps near
     a <abbr>DST</abbr> transition when the clock jumps back on
     platforms lacking <code>tm_gmtoff</code>, this
-    disambiguation does not work when standard time itself jumps back,
-    which can occur when a location changes to a time zone with a
+    disambiguation works only for proleptic <code>TZ</code> strings;
+    it does not work in general for geographical timezones,
+    such as when a location changes to a time zone with a
     lesser <abbr>UT</abbr> offset.
@@ -1223,8 +1237,8 @@
     Programs that in the past used the <code>timezone</code> function
     may now examine <code>localtime(&amp;clock)-&gt;tm_zone</code>
     (if <code>TM_ZONE</code> is defined) or
-    <code>tzname[localtime(&amp;clock)-&gt;tm_isdst]</code>
-    (if <code>HAVE_TZNAME</code> is nonzero) to learn the correct time
+    use <code>strftime</code> with a <code>%Z</code> conversion specification
+    to learn the correct time
     zone abbreviation to use.
diff -Nru tzdata-2024b/version tzdata-2025a/version
--- tzdata-2024b/version        2024-09-04 14:29:19.000000000 +0200
+++ tzdata-2025a/version        2025-01-15 11:48:57.000000000 +0100
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff -Nru tzdata-2024b/ tzdata-2025a/
--- tzdata-2024b/   2024-07-03 13:17:49.000000000 +0200
+++ tzdata-2025a/   2024-11-25 22:06:28.000000000 +0100
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
 IT,SM,VA       +4154+01229     Europe/Rome
 JM     +175805-0764736 America/Jamaica
 JO     +3157+03556     Asia/Amman
-JP     +353916+1394441 Asia/Tokyo
+JP,AU  +353916+1394441 Asia/Tokyo      Eyre Bird Observatory
 KE,DJ,ER,ET,KM,MG,SO,TZ,UG,YT  -0117+03649     Africa/Nairobi
 KG     +4254+07436     Asia/Bishkek
 KI,MH,TV,UM,WF +0125+17300     Pacific/Tarawa  Gilberts, Marshalls, Wake
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
 PF     -2308-13457     Pacific/Gambier Gambier Islands
 PG,AQ,FM       -0930+14710     Pacific/Port_Moresby    Papua New Guinea (most 
areas), Chuuk, Yap, Dumont d'Urville
 PG     -0613+15534     Pacific/Bougainville    Bougainville
-PH     +1435+12100     Asia/Manila
+PH     +143512+1205804 Asia/Manila
 PK     +2452+06703     Asia/Karachi
 PL     +5215+02100     Europe/Warsaw
 PM     +4703-05620     America/Miquelon
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
 SA,AQ,KW,YE    +2438+04643     Asia/Riyadh     Syowa
 SB,FM  -0932+16012     Pacific/Guadalcanal     Pohnpei
 SD     +1536+03232     Africa/Khartoum
-SG,MY  +0117+10351     Asia/Singapore  peninsular Malaysia
+SG,AQ,MY       +0117+10351     Asia/Singapore  peninsular Malaysia, Concordia
 SR     +0550-05510     America/Paramaribo
 SS     +0451+03137     Africa/Juba
 ST     +0020+00644     Africa/Sao_Tome
diff -Nru tzdata-2024b/ tzdata-2025a/
--- tzdata-2024b/    2024-05-25 15:52:47.000000000 +0200
+++ tzdata-2025a/    2024-11-23 16:22:17.000000000 +0100
@@ -97,9 +97,6 @@
 # -04/-03 (Chile DST)
 XX     -3327-07040     America/Santiago        most of Chile
-# -04/-03 (Paraguay DST)
-XX     -2516-05740     America/Asuncion        Paraguay
 # -04/-03 - AST/ADT (North America DST)
 XX     +4439-06336     America/Halifax Atlantic ("AST/ADT") - Canada; Bermuda
@@ -224,7 +221,7 @@
 XX     -0610+10648     Asia/Jakarta    Indonesia ("WIB")
 # +08
-XX     +0117+10351     Asia/Singapore  Russia; Brunei; Malaysia; Singapore
+XX     +0117+10351     Asia/Singapore  Russia; Brunei; Malaysia; Singapore; 
 # +08 - AWST
 XX     -3157+11551     Australia/Perth Western Australia ("AWST")
@@ -236,7 +233,7 @@
 XX     +2217+11409     Asia/Hong_Kong  Hong Kong ("HKT")
 # +08 - PHT
-XX     +1435+12100     Asia/Manila     Philippines ("PHT")
+XX     +143512+1205804 Asia/Manila     Philippines ("PHT")
 # +08 - WITA
 XX     -0507+11924     Asia/Makassar   Indonesia ("WITA")
@@ -248,7 +245,7 @@
 XX     +5203+11328     Asia/Chita      Russia; Palau; East Timor
 # +09 - JST
-XX     +353916+1394441 Asia/Tokyo      Japan ("JST")
+XX     +353916+1394441 Asia/Tokyo      Japan ("JST"); Eyre Bird Observatory
 # +09 - KST
 XX     +3733+12658     Asia/Seoul      Korea ("KST")
diff -Nru tzdata-2024b/ tzdata-2025a/
--- tzdata-2024b/       2024-07-03 13:17:49.000000000 +0200
+++ tzdata-2025a/       2024-11-25 22:06:28.000000000 +0100
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@
 PF     -2308-13457     Pacific/Gambier Gambier Islands
 PG     -0930+14710     Pacific/Port_Moresby    most of Papua New Guinea
 PG     -0613+15534     Pacific/Bougainville    Bougainville
-PH     +1435+12100     Asia/Manila
+PH     +143512+1205804 Asia/Manila
 PK     +2452+06703     Asia/Karachi
 PL     +5215+02100     Europe/Warsaw
 PM     +4703-05620     America/Miquelon

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