Control: tags -1 confirmed
On 21/02/2025 09:52, Fabian Greffrath wrote:
Am 2025-02-21 09:37, schrieb Emilio Pozuelo Monfort:
Can you upload them to I'd like to inspect a couple of
them, in particular one for a key package (qtwebengine). Other than that, the
results are promising, so I think we can start this soon.
Sure, please find them here:
Looking at the chromium and qtwebengine logs, I think there's a permission issue
in your sbuild setup (possibly with /dev/shm). If you're able to fix that, then
you could retry the failed packages and see how far they go. They may succeed,
or fail later due to an actual issue (flac related or not).
In any case, given the good results so far, we can go ahead with this.