Control: tags -1 confirmed
On 15/02/2025 18:50, Étienne Mollier wrote:
Current status is the following.
Étienne Mollier, on 2025-02-15:
* The following 1 is pending resolution of #1096017:
- orthanc
Sébastien Jodogne fixed the issue (Thanks!).
* The following 8 depend on #1096017 to be fixed in orthanc
before statusing further:
- orthanc-neuro
- orthanc-dicomweb
- orthanc-python
- orthanc-postgresql
- orthanc-gdcm
- orthanc-mysql
- orthanc-wsi
- orthanc-webviewer
I have checked all packages and they built alright with the
newer orthanc version built against dcmtk 3.6.9.
In addition:
- camitk is affected by #1094895;
camitk is also out of testing at t time.
- cmtk is affected by #1077441;
cmtk is removed from testing.
- mia is affected by #1075270;
mia is removed from testing.
- pymia depends on mia to be rebuilt against newer library
versions, which won't happen before #1075270 affecting mia
is fixed;
pymia is removed from testing.
- olive-editor is affected by #1072441;
olive-editor is out of testing.
- gfpoken is affected by #1090226;
gfpoken is out of testing.
- sight is affected by #1094050 and #1094894.
Issues in sight in sight have been resolved by Steven M. Robbins
(Thanks!) I have checked the package built fine with the
current and newer dcmtk.
As far as I can tell, everything is good, and outstanding issues
are now out of the way.
Thanks for the rebuilds and analysis. Go ahead.