Processing control commands:

> block 1093620 with -1
Bug #1093620 [] transition: gnustep-multiarch
1093620 was blocked by: 1093948 1093950 1093970 1093973 1093974 1093975 1093976 
1093977 1093978 1093981 1093983 1093985 1093988 1093989 1093990 1093991 1093992 
1093995 1093997 1094001 1094003 1094005 1094006 1094007
1093620 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1093620: 1094008
> block -1 with 1093950 1093976 1094005
Bug #1094008 [src:gnumail] gnumail: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: 
FTBFS errors
1094008 was not blocked by any bugs.
1094008 was blocking: 1093620
Added blocking bug(s) of 1094008: 1093976, 1093950, and 1094005

Debian Bug Tracking System
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