Hi Mo,

* M. Zhou <lu...@debian.org> [2025-01-11 14:04]:
OK now I'm unblocked from building the unvalidated packages on amd64.
Now I've validated all reverse dependencies of opencv, and only 2 out
of 39 sources FTBFS due to the transition. The bugs are filed correspondingly.

Please let me know whenever it is appropriate to upload opencv to unstable.

amd64 rebuild:
mrpt [FAIL] cannot find -lopencv_barcode, see #1092501
ros-image-transport-plugins [FAIL] Already FTBFS, see #1089193
ros-opencv-apps [FAIL] cannot find -lopencv_barcode, see #1092502

Note that these are due to using the archive version of ros-vision-opencv. The FTBFS vanishes when you recompile them against a rebuild ros-vision-opencv. Closing those bugs accordingly.

Cheers Jochen

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