On 10/01/2025 06:43, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
On 09/01/2025 17:24, Lucas Kanashiro wrote:
Hi Emilio,
On 09/01/2025 12:33, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
Hi Lucas,
On 30/12/2024 21:29, Lucas Kanashiro wrote:
I am moving the content of the removal bug to here, as requested by
pochu on IRC. I will be closing the removal bug linked in the message
In order to help the transition, I'd like to request the removal of
the following source, and associated binary, packages from testing
to unblock the ruby 3.3 transition:
* ruby-nokogumbo
* ruby-gitlab-flowdock-git-hook
* ruby-dataobjects
- ruby-dataobjects-mysql (please, remove it as well, no rdep)
- ruby-dataobjects-postgres (please, remove it as well, no rdep)
- ruby-dataobjects-sqlite3 (please, remove it as well, no rdep)
* ruby-grib
* ruby-rails-assets-markdown-it-diaspora-mention
* ruby-roo
* ruby-rgfa
* ruby-puppetlabs-spec-helper
* ruby-puppet-syntax
- ruby-puppetlabs-spec-helper (which is also in this removals
* ruby-puma-worker-killer
- gitlab (which is not in testing)
* ruby-mail-room
- gitlab (which is not in testing)
* ruby-hipchat
* ruby-googleapis-common-protos
* ruby-gelf
* ruby-file-validators
* ruby-cleanroom
* ruby-batch-loader
- gitlab (which is not in testing)
* ruby-api-pagination
* redland-bindings (orphan package)
* ruby-rails-assets-underscore
- ruby-backbone-on-rails (please, remove it as well, no rdep)
The sub-items above are reverse dependencies, but there is an
explanation in front of each of them, telling why they can be safely
If you have any question, do not hesitate to reach out to me!
What prevents those packages from re-entering testing if we remove
them now? E.g. ruby-hipchat has no RC bug reported against it.
Right now nothing TBH, I was considering those removals to allow
ruby-defaults, with ruby3.3 support, migration, so once it is
migrated to testing those packages wouldn't migrate since they do not
work with ruby 3.3 at the moment. If you prefer to remove them before
starting the transition, I can file RC bugs to block migration. Let
me know what you prefer.
IIUC, they are buggy anyway, right? So yes, then file bugs for them.
That should make things easier for us as well.
OK. We are going to file bugs against them. Just to be sure, since we
had this build issue with ruby-excon, I rebuilt all the packages I
requested removal from testing and some of them actually successfully
built (maybe a build issue or someone fixed it in the meantime). So this
is the updated list:
* ruby-nokogumbo
* ruby-gitlab-flowdock-git-hook
* ruby-dataobjects
- ruby-dataobjects-mysql (please, remove it as well, no rdep)
- ruby-dataobjects-postgres (please, remove it as well, no rdep)
- ruby-dataobjects-sqlite3 (please, remove it as well, no rdep)
* ruby-grib
* ruby-rails-assets-markdown-it-diaspora-mention
* ruby-roo
* ruby-rgfa
* ruby-puppetlabs-spec-helper
* ruby-puppet-syntax
- ruby-puppetlabs-spec-helper (which is also in this removals list)
* ruby-cleanroom
* ruby-api-pagination
* ruby-rails-assets-underscore
- ruby-backbone-on-rails (please, remove it as well, no rdep)
All the build logs are accessible here:
The bugs are going to be filled against the packages above. We are also
going to increase the severity of the bugs we filed before since the
transition is going to start.
Lucas Kanashiro