Processing commands for > forcemerge 1082457 1089728 Bug #1082457 {Done: Robin Gustafsson <>} [src:php-nesbot-carbon] php-nesbot-carbon: FTBFS with php8.4_8.4.0~beta4-1: .....................................................PHP Fatal error: Declaration of DateTime::createFromTimestamp(int|float $timestamp): PHPUnit\Util\FileLoader must be compatible with Carbon\CarbonInterface::createFromTimestamp($timestamp, $tz = null) in /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/tests/CarbonPeriod/Fixtures/AbstractCarbon.php on line 0 Bug #1089728 [src:php-nesbot-carbon] php-nesbot-carbon: autopkgtest failure with php8.4 Severity set to 'normal' from 'serious' 1074180 was blocked by: 1082439 1082468 1082489 1089723 1089724 1089725 1089726 1089727 1089728 1089729 1089730 1089731 1089732 1089733 1089763 1089764 1089765 1089766 1089767 1089768 1089769 1089770 1089771 1089772 1089773 1089774 1089775 1089776 1089777 1089778 1089779 1089780 1089781 1089782 1090309 1074180 was not blocking any bugs. Removed blocking bug(s) of 1074180: 1089728 Marked Bug as done Marked as fixed in versions php-nesbot-carbon/2.69.0-5. Added tag(s) trixie, ftbfs, and sid. Merged 1082457 1089728 > thanks Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance. -- 1074180: 1082457: 1089728: Debian Bug Tracking System Contact with problems