Hi Release team

# Here is an update on the transition:

 * All bugs 227 are now RC of which 136 affect testing.

   - When eyeballing the list of "affecting testing" bugs, the most
     common issues seem to be "not yet fixed in sid" and "age" at this

   - 82 are pending with about 80 being NMUed into in delayed.

   - 21 are not neither fixed nor pending. I will expand on these in
     their own section below.

 * 4 new bugs were filed caused by autopkgtests failing with the new
   dpkg upload. It is not clear that all of these are R³ related yet
   (most are, but 1 is still pending).

   - I think dgit is due one as well. The dgit maintainer asked some
     questions about some autopkgtests related issues after the dpkg
     upload. Note dgit is not a keypackage and is already on the
     auto-removal radar due to `chiark-utils`. Either way, I will look
     into the situation after this email to have a tracking bug.

 * The next major change to these numbers is likely going to be in about
   7 days when the vast majority of NMUs hit unstable.

# Key package status:

 * There are 25 RC bugs affecting key packages testing at the moment.

   - Most of these have not been fixed in sid yet.
   - A few are blocked on gcc-13 + gcc-14
   - We got 4 new ones (due to the autopkgtest issues mentioned above).

 * The overall BTS status for RC bugs affecting key packages are:

      6 no-patch,not-pending
        - 3 of these are newly added yesterday. The other 3 are the
          *-mipsen packages covered in the next section.

      7 nmu'ed
        - All are expected to hit sid within the next 7 days.

      4 tagged patch
        - sbuild (filed yesterday)
        - The other 3 are debian-installer + shim, which are
          covered in the next section.

     15 fixed-in-sid.
        - This includes bugs where the fix already migrated to testing.

# Detailed description on the 17 "not pending" packages:

 * 5 has patch but has not been uploaded:

   - debian-installer + shim*: I asked if a NMU made sense and
     the maintainer said "no, here be dragons, I will handle this
     later". The packages are expected to be uploaded during this
     release cycle and two of the patches are already merged in to the
     VCS (the third package did not have public VCS headers, so I do not
     know of its VCS state)

   - sreview (auto-RM candidate): Maintainer asked me not to NMU.
     They would like the package to be frozen up to FOSDEM. I have
     respected that and informed them that the package may be
     auto-removed with suggestions for how they can deal with it.

   - chiark-utils (auto-RM candidate): The maintainer said they
     review my patch and upload prior to the bug being RC.
     After the severity bump, I asked two days ago if they would prefer
     a quick NMU with a minimal to have the bug taken of the RC bug
     radar (that question is pending maintainer feedback).

     Note: This also puts `dgit` on the auto-removal radar (per
     remark above about `dgit`).

 * 15 has neither "patch" nor "pending" status in the BTS

   - gcc-X-cross-mipsen + cross-toolchain-base-mipsen: 5 in total with
     2-3 of these being key packages. The others are not in testing due
     to other RC bugs. For the key packages, they have multiple RC bugs
     with the R³ fixed in git by doko (AFAICT; it is a shared repo for
     multiple source packages). I am hoping for a maintainer upload
     from s...@debian.org over the next few days. If not, I will try
     to cherry-pick the fix for the R³ bugs + the make 4.4 bugs
     and then NMU the key packages (which will not fix all the RC bugs,
     but still move the transition ahead). I will not touch the non-key
     packages since they are not in testing.

  - 4 were already not in testing due to previous RC bugs or other
    issues. These I have left to others, since they do not affect the
    freeze/release in their current state.

  - 2 already had unrelated RC bug(s) that put them on the RC bug radar
    prior to the R³ severity bump. The other RC bugs are unrelated FTBFS
    bugs, so here I am letting the auto-remover handle this situation.

  - 1 is in testing (auto-removal candidate), but zeha suggested
    removing it from sid instead. I am waiting for the removal
    suggestion to play out (zeha has given a deadline until EOM).

    Note: The auto-removal from testing is currently set to 18th of Jan,
    so it will likely disappear from your radar earlier than that.

  - 3 were filed yesterday (lintian, apt, autopkgtests) with the
    maintainers not yet having reacted in the BTS or with a direct CC
    to me (I have not tracked git repos except when CC'ed on something).

Thanks for your work on the release team. May Trixie have a short and painless freeze.

Best regards,

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